19. Meeting the DMT Doctors

Dmt Trip Report | Meeting the DMT Doctors


So I lay back, closed my eyes and immediately this music starts lifting me up. And I feel like I'm rising and I get these visuals of basically what feels like heaven behind clouds. And as this guy's singing in latin or I think he starts singing in english talking like praising the holy spirit, he's just got a beautiful language and it's just it's this divine manner of of singing that is just really setting the mood and so the clouds are parting and I feel like I'm going into heaven and so i'm really excited I'm like: “Yes, this is going to be a sick trip. But suddenly the song kind of takes a real quick turn and his singing just stops and I remember I entered the enter into heaven but then I just, I'm kind of, I have no idea where I am suddenly and he starts speaking in tongues or like glossolalia where you're just kind of saying things that aren't don't belong to any particular language but they they just sound really super trippy especially when you're on dmt.

And when he starts doing this, I feel like I'm suddenly swept up in this bubble that's isolated from any other notions of reality or any psychological continuity or any kind of aspect of space time even. Though there is linear time perception but it just feels like I'm not part of this reality anymore. And I'm not really having any thoughts because my instinct is telling me for some reason it's just like be quiet, don't speak. And as I'm going quiet and I'm just starting to like listen and concentrate to what's going on, I feel like there's this presence that's surveying me like outside of the bubble and it's watching me. And it's almost freaky and it's intense and you know this is happening while this dude is speaking in this weird language. And so I'm just kind of like, okay just just just stay silent whatever you do.

I almost feel like there's a predator lurking around but no it didn't feel like a predator, that's that's the wrong term. It was more like there's something that was examining me and it was like in order to pass the test I had to be quiet. So anyway, the tongues stop and the guy starts singing the music again and then i feel the presence leave i exit the bubble i'm back into my mind and then i'm rising again but the dmt kind of kicked into gear and i can't really remember what happened there but i just remember suddenly being inside this like, um uh well, I was in this I think I was in darkness um and i could suddenly see these um, geez man i'm trying to explain dmt visuals.

It's freaking hard especially when it happened so recently if you know, like the the way that certain chinese or indian temples are so like uh immaculately designed with all the little patterns and things like that just imagine, um that sort of intricate architecture with kind of demented faces on there um that was but no sense of sentience or presence um in it as if they were statues. And this was like unfurling out of the darkness. There was like a plethora of these like weird statue things just unfurling and uncurling out of the darkness. And after they'd all fully extended, I suddenly see these three doctors or these white silhouetted entities kind of descending down on me. And once they fully like descend down on me, I'm in the operating room.

It's really interesting because this is the first time that I remembered being in the operating room as soon as I came out of a trip. Um, before this it was always almost like it was almost like these flashbacks I was having and I'd have to sit there and be like did that really happen. Did I really go there? Was i really experiencing that but as soon as I was on the operating table in this trip. I was like oh I'm back here (Deju Vu). Here i am and the doctors are doing their work at me again.and i knew instinctively not to think once again don't think that's what was the message that was being passed through to me but this time it was because for some reason i had a memory of in the past being operated on by these doctors and um having my thoughts interfere with the procedure.

So immediately i was like, okay i know to trust these beings. I've been here before. I know that they do some work and it helps me out so i'm just going to go quiet and relax. Now i know in my previous encounters with these beings, even though i don't know where these memories come from but i know i have memories of being in the operating room and having these, these machine doctors essentially using light tools to um, kind of do some sort of weird procedure on my mind itself. And it's not painful. It's barely tactile but there's some sort of sense or sensory experience that takes place where you feel these instruments just kind of interacting with your mind. It's full-on and it's hyperreal. It's a hyper real experience.

Um unfortunately i wish i could explain in better detail but because i know always when i'm there not to think it makes it very hard to obviously take in a lot of the details. i do know though that they almost always appear as white silhouetted beings and there's just a sense of them being a doctor. There's always just this sense that they are doctors um and they're always standing above me like i am on an operating table but this was the first time that i ever had a like a sense of their gender. i could feel that two of them i think were male and one of them was female. And one of the males put his hand on my head and his other hand in my heart whilst the female came over with like, some sort of weird instrument kind of like a needle in the thread it felt like and started like just interacting with my left eye. And after a couple of seconds I felt this massive release in tension in my left eye. And amazingly it wasn't the tension that build up during the trip it was a tension that I felt like i'd been holding on to before i smoked the dmt and that seemed to be all they wanted to do.

As soon as that tension was released she pulled back the instrument, uh they ascended without saying a word and they were gone. And I opened my eyes and my brother's in the freaking corner of the room doing tongues and praying for me. So you know, I kind of just like move about to indicate that I'm back from the trip and he comes over to me and he puts one hand on my head and one hand of my heart and just starts speaking tongues exactly the same place that the machine elves did it. So i was like okay this is cool, i'm just gonna stay here and um and just kind of rest for a bit.