94. Disturbing Encounter

Disturbing Encounter with Demon-like Entity


I broke through into this underground cavern or crypt, the walls were damp, and the atmosphere was musty. I could feel things crawling on my feet, and smell the heaviness in the air. I saw at the end of this long hallway a doorway lit by candlelight. I got closer, and once I was standing in the doorway I could see the room was pretty large, but was completely kaleidoscopic, the walls churned and moved in rhythmic motions, spreading different colours and lights over the entire surface of the room, the floor was even moving. What caught my eye was not the room itself, but this large grotesque demonic figure standing at an altar type thing. It was huge, much bigger than me, but it’s presence was even larger. I could feel how enormously powerful it was, hunched over an altar it looked as though it was straining not to smash through the roof.

I moved closer even though every molecule of my being screamed TURN AROUND NOW AND RUN! It was writing in a book, like a ledger. It had this long quill like pen and it was scribbling what looked like names. I remember trying to see the book in more detail, and suddenly I was really close to the beast. I saw my name (it was actually just symbols I think, but still it referred to me) and freaked out. I think I asked or maybe thought “What the hell are you doing?” and the beast replied quite simply, “You have sold your soul, and I am putting your name in the book” This is when I really panicked. The whole room spun faster and the doorway disappeared. I was really freaking out and all that kept going through my mind was that my soul belonged to dark evil forces. I couldn’t get out of the room and it swirled faster and faster, I think I blacked out for a bit, but when I opened my eyes I was eventually starting to come back, I was sweating and sort of lying half on my couch and half on the floor in a heap. All that was racing though my mind was that I had sold my soul. I could still hear whispers and they kept saying things like I sold my soul when I first did DMT and now it was final. After what seemed like ages the whispers stopped and I lay on my couch breathing pretty heavily, and shaking.