32. My DMT Report

My DMT Report

27 Feb 2020

Reality Engaged with Angelo John Gage


I said I want to meet God. That was my intention. So I inhaled it and held it in and the second I exhaled, I was gone. I was in this strange reality where it was colorful like Japanimation colors, flickering and patterns and geometric shapes. I was then in front of a being I had never seen before who was all blue, multiple arms and it was dancing back and forth. And then this being shot 3 laser beams at me.

It was saying something but I didn’t know what it was since it sounded robotic. I did feel the lasers cut through me and it hurt but it didn’t hurt. I felt it melt and heard the crackling of my body. The third one I had no body left.

And then I was zoomed through hyperspace, all these colors by all these mechanical shapes, beautiful geometry. The colors were so beautiful I could never see them in real life. It was like, beyond HD. And as I was zoomin forward I ran into another being. This being was sitting Indian style had an elephant head and all these markings, multiple arms and it did some weird hand gesture and it showed me a golden triangle. And then the triangle split in two then in four and then in kept multiplying forever.

Then I’m zoomed forward, blasted into hyperspace, all these different things, colors everywhere, reds, blues, mixtures, all that. And then I’m in this huge room, an infinite room. It was a room full of eyes. This room was greenish and every single inch of this room was an eyeball. And I asked if this was God. That’s all I saw was eyes in the distance for all eternity.

And then I was blasted out again and I saw this spiral and it was spiralling around. And the thoughts in my head said: There is no time. Everything else is fake but this. This is eternity, this real, everything else is fake.

And then the trip repeated itself and I found myself back in the beginning of the trip and then I woke up.