2. Cosmic Orgasm

DMT Trip Report - The Cosmic Orgasm / Bliss Trip

Misha Lee

Published on 4 Dec 2015


It starts off in a similar space, a two dimensional space, I know nothing of the 3rd dimension. I have no ego. I am an observer here. I’m looking at what looks to be very beautiful art. It was like a live art installation that was creating itself through my emotions. Lot’s of shapes and textures and colors and it all just feels very authentic and feels like me.

Then this character came around. Basically, I’m just looking at a rectangle for a while, not really aware there was space around it. And there’s this guy standing on the one wall and he’s just kinda leaning up against it, implying something about depth but I don’t quite understand it. And he’s happy to see me.

He goes to grab onto his elbow and then opens up his arm and between the elbow and the tip of his finger are several strings that form. And along those strings are little letters and numbers and equations, symbols and things like that. It contains information, but I can't interpret what that information is. The best I can do is know that it is beautiful.

And he’s aware that he’s showing something to me in an attempt to entertain me. And he’s kind of making fun of himself for being an entertainer. He’s sort of jovial in his spirit. He does a few other postures and things with his hands. He pulls his hands apart and he shows me that the space between has something like a cat’s cradle with strings connecting to his hands. And again with symbols and numbers and letters and things. And then he gets real serious for a second and holds his hands together and separates them and laughs and puts that away.

And he grabs onto the rectangle he was holding onto, which is like the side of the screen and pulls that away. And he shows that there is this rich depth and so I’m looking at the insides between two layers of reality. And he’s pointing to all the tendrily texturely things and they’re all purple and ruffly. And I’m appreciating it like it’s art.

And then he leans back against the wall and it tips back. He looks back and that wall collapses reveals more space behind him and many more rooms behind him. And then he bumps into a side wall and that collapses and that opens into another room. And he’s sort of rolling around back there. And as he’s getting into the distance he’s getting smaller and smaller and telepathically says: “I want you to meet my friend.” and he points over to my left.

I look to my left and my entire vision is consumed by this girl’s face. And she’s very pale with very big eyes and with light purple hands. And she’s like: “Shhh.” And then she opens her hand and blows me a kiss and wipes everything away. And everything I was looking at was gone and there was just color. And it’s all pale and pastel. And I remember I’ve done DMT and wonder if I‘m coming back.

I’m standing in this in between space and there is this sliver, this window. It makes me think of a belly button when I look at it. And it’s really white.

And she asks me: “Do you want to know what love is?” And I felt like I was surrendering when I said yes.

And she said: “Do you want to feel what love is on all levels?” And I was like: “Yes”

And it feels like she just took her finger and flicked me. And I felt like I was falling down that belly button tunnel. As I'm falling through that light vessel my physical body is curled up in a ball and I feel like I’m plummeting. But I’m also feeling the most rich, all consuming love I’ve ever felt. My whole body is filling up with this energy. And it feels like every single one of my cells is having an orgasm, one after another. And I feel like I’m asking for a download into my heart.

And I get into this place where: “Do you want more?” It feels like all consuming love. And I went into heartache and despair, loneliness and torture and suffering. I felt like I was repairing all my metaphors.

I move my hand up and feel it moving the light inside my own body. My hands were buzzing and I let it all balance and flow through my body.

And I start falling through the tunnel again but she’s not there. And I have this knowing that I’m coming back to the third dimension.