
Disembodied Entities were encountered as invisible presences that appear and disappear without warning or as voices that spoke to the person or to each other without awareness that anyone else was there. Sometimes they were friendly, providing guidance but other times they examined the person's psyche stirring up memories.  Sometimes they appeared as floating heads and eyes

"I became aware of my surname being called. Over and over again it was said, softly in a female voice.  Each time my name was called an object was constructed in front of me against the white square backdrop....  A voice spoke my name. “We’ve been waiting for you” it continued in a friendly tone.

The Quantum Cube of Thy Self Illustrated


This presence scared me a bit, but I just kept telling myself to stop worrying - at this point I could feel the "presence" searching through my mind, and I had visions of past memories, ones that are long forgotten and I don't even know if they are real or not, only I had a feeling of deja vu about them. The visions stopped, and the presence left 

First Experience - Unlike anything I can even think of.


As soon as I made the decision to follow, I was transported to the place they were trying to show me. The Beings were no longer visible but I could still sense their presence - as if they were watching over me. This new place was a series of slowly shifting reds and blues covered in complex geometry.

Playing with Spiritual Dynamite


There is a brief moment, a pause, where nothing moves, then suddenly i get the feeling of being smiled at by some unseen face, something mischievous and jester-like. It had me. Suddenly everything violently splits, tearing aggressively and peeling away. 

DMT Trip Report by Ricky Tea


Around this time a voice appeared in my head and was starting to inform me of what was happening. It told me that I died... 

 Though I couldn't see the source, something was informing me in a matter of fact style that I was dead but not to worry because I had never been alive in the first place. The exact words escape me now but the message seemed to be along the lines of "life is a paradox, a life, an illusion." It's as if when I'm in my body experiencing "reality" it's actually an illusion. Where I was now was eternal non-existence. It informed me that we only exist for a little while in these bodies but our souls or consciousness belong in a realm of non-existence.

Gone Forever, Then Back Again


Around me I felt a crowding in of beings as if the Celtic Faerie land of Fay had become momentarily co-present with where I was. I sensed them, but did not experience these creatures. The sucking experience took over for a while then, driving the morphological acrobatics of spacelove that lay before me. There was something about it that makes me think of a voluptuous alien seductress with big, fat lips pulling me to her body in the weirdest feeling embrace ever.

The Elven Antics Annex


 I feel like there's this presence that's surveying me like outside of the bubble and it's watching me. And it's almost freaky and it's intense and you know this is happening while this dude is speaking in this weird language. And so I'm just kind of like, okay just just just stay silent whatever you do. 

I almost feel like there's a predator lurking around but no it didn't feel like a predator, that's that's the wrong term. It was more like there's something that was examining me and it was like in order to pass the test I had to be quiet. So anyway, the tongues stop and the guy starts singing the music again and then i feel the presence leave.

Dmt Trip Report | Meeting the DMT Doctors


I’m flying through this space with like tornado winds all around me and incredible noise. I started hearing voices and laughter

My First DMT Experience: "Death by Astonishment"


It was at this stage that some kind of being or entity told me telepathically "Do not try to remember all this...It is too much", and I remember feeling that I may fry my brain if I did not heed it's warning. 

Spiritual Encounter With the Ball Of Light


It stopped and became definite/indefinite shapes. It was a puzzle and I was a bit scared and uncomfortable due to how sinister it felt. I knew I was being tested as I moved about this part of hyperspace. Looking and solving puzzles that he presented me. I kept getting this sense that my "nature," my "core" as a human was just as sinister and corrupt.

I remember him taking me apart in little blocks and putting me back together in a different way. 

He seemed to ask "How's that? Enjoyable? No? Yes? Well let's try again shall we?" Over and over for infinite amounts of time. I had lost sense of myself. The trip seemed to completely envelop me. 

I also heard an old married couple laughing in the candle light to my left. It might have been my laughing though, for I would snicker here and there. I was being tickled almost.

After this I saw the being’s face, purple and made of blocks, as was his whole part of hyperspace. He finally took on definite form for me. Showing me himself. I felt greatly rewarded as if I had passed the test. He had tested my will and seemed to say "silly human, but I like this one, he did a good job" he rewarded me with a huge glow and the ability to retain his image.

I met the joker, the jester, the Clever-One.

Cleverly Human


So there it felt like female presences around me. Like, I couldn't really make nobody out and I couldn't really see no faces, man. Like I said, it was just like colorful shit. 

I went to a operating room. Everybody else was talking about that too and it kind of freaked me out, you feel me? At this time it was like a checkerboard room you know, and it felt like I was laying on the table, you feel me? And it felt like there was some motherfuckers above me. I couldn't make him out, you feel me. And I got kind of scared but then they’re like, calm down. Everything was telepathic, I’m you. And they was saying they was me, basically. I’m you, you know, just relax. So I'm relaxing and shit, found a focus and shit. Focus on my breathing.

So then it's like I'm on the table and it's like they started taking shit out of me. And I took, you know, as they was taking all the bad energy and vibes out of me that I had... So they like: “You're not ready to move on to, you know what we want to show you next type shit.

My First Dmt Trip Report Experience | New (2020) Life Changing/crazy


I passed that bubble into the realm of immortals, bro. I passed that and there were like eyes. Not physical eyes but it was the awareness of multiple awarenesses being aware of a human intelligence coming into their sphere. 

My first DMT Experience! BREAKTHROUGH to the Realm of the Immortals and Enki the Sumerian God!


He "feels" a "presence" he can't actually see. Then he gets this impression in his mind of looking down on two "people'' working around a small oblong control station. As they work on the tabletop touch screen they are talking. One says "we're losing him." the other responds "you can't always pull them through."

Alright people WTF was that all about?


I saw one interstellar being, a large coin - a face on one side and nothing on the back - float by. He/she simply existed and went to where it was going. Neither happy or sad, it was presently (and likely eternally) content, going on its way to wherever place one goes in deep hyperspace.

A Magician's Guided Tour To The Universe


...this time the room was multidimensional instead of just four walls and the walls didn't reflect each other as much as meld at various points in a fractal design, form over physics. I also knew (I don’t know how) that the ‘dragon’ was some female designer, not a kung fu master.

She wanted me to appreciate her design skills and told me the room was made out of alien material whose closest analogue in our world was plastic. So I was in this rapidly reforming room where it made no sense to ask simple physical questions like 'which direction is up?' or 'am I standing?'. Then, the felt presence of this alien termagant vanished 

Form Over Physics


I am aware that there is someone here, and I am trying to communicate with it. Trying to communicate, but not sure if it's working, getting kind of frustrated. Then I say, how about I just give you a hug? And mentally try to hug whatever is out there. That worked really well. They responded well to that! I get overwhelmed by these comforting, lovey-dovey feelings.

Play with the technology!


A large godlike head made entirely of this light and chaos, a gatekeeper. It was aware of me and as it took a long deep look into my essence, I could sense that it had made its judgement. 

What DMT Feels Like | Immersive Experience - ( Trip Report | DMT Sounds | Real Breakthrough )


So it opens it’s mouth and its tongue slithers out and I go into its mouth and I find myself in this complete void. There were other beings there and I couldn’t see them.

My DMT Experience - Entities, Inner Worlds, Awe, Fear, Ego Death, and Realizations


By the second hit of it, something happened to me, like my mind was telling me: "No! You're not ready for full breakthrough! Stop this now". But then I felt and heard a female presence, which said in rather imperative tone: "What!? Really? You're going to quit now? Come on, don't be so miserable. Take the hit, you know you want to come, come on!"

A stroll through the park


This room I popped into, felt like an observation room, like if you went to a doctor’s office and they were going to do an analyzation of you. The being was somewhere here observating, looking at me. And I kept saying: “I’m sorry, I love you. I’m sorry, I love you.” I thought I had popped into the waiting room of God Almighty. And it was telling me: “Calm down, everything is going to be okay.” I realized the being was pulsating and all I could see was the eyes and I knew it was something greater than I. Telepathically it told me: “We are here with you. We are a superior race” or a more complex being, that’s more advanced than we are. Then it told me I would not understand it’s way of thinking or what it knows.

Dmt experience. God, Alien, Everything, and Me?


I found myself in what seemed like a dorm room or it felt like I was in some alien’s college. And I was looking at the shelf and the room and all that stuff. And it was like a normal room that was made of alien stuff that I’d never seen before. It was made of really bright crystal looking things that would shimmer in the light. It would all pretty much reflect inside. And I could feel there was a presence around me.

DMT TRIP REPORT - Entered An Alien Room Then Spoke In Tongues!
