DMT TRIP REPORT - Entered An Alien Room Then Spoke In Tongues!



Right when I lay in my bed I saw a figure I see often in my trips. The figure looks a bit clown-like but it’s basically made of overlapping geometry and patterns but they’re pretty much all the same pattern, just arranged in a similar fashion. This image was a little bit dim. It usually starts with a dim image of an entity that’s made out of geometry and then it expanded into a palace type place full of geometry around the buildings and everything. It’s made of really complex geometry and ancient looking stuff. It kind of reminded me of the digital painting I have as the banner of my channel. There would be rooms in different parts of wherever I was. In one room that was bright red with a lot of patterning. They were all patterning stuff but in the center or I guess the middle of the room there was this entity that I also saw that was kind of white and it had geometry. It also was similar to the entity that I saw in the beginning that had a bunch of strange geometry and symbols constructing the whole thing.

But somehow it was really complex and dynamic and really beautiful, obviously. And I was pretty captivated by this thing.I don’t know what it was, it was just some sort of entity thing. And then the really strange thing happened. I was kind of pushed back into behind me and then I found myself in what seemed like a dorm room or it felt like I was in some alien’s college. And I was looking at the shelf and the room and all that stuff. And it was like a normal room that was made of alien stuff that I’d never seen before. It was made of really bright crystal looking things that would shimmer in the light. It would all pretty much reflect inside. And I could feel there was a presence around me. It was like I was a ghost and I was in a different universe with aliens that were minding their own business and I was just spying on them or in the same soon. I don;t know if they noticed me. I didn’t think anyone noticed me but I felt like I was somewhere.

I love opening my eyes because my room looks very ancient and alive. And I had this weird sense there were entities all around it because I was seeing faces in everything. So when I opened my eyes I had the weird thing where I started to speak in tongues again. But it feels like it’s some sort of occult spell of some sort. It kind of makes me feel a bit eerie when it happens because it feels like the faces that I’m seeing all around me are somehow motivating me to do this. It’s a very possessed feeling.