22. Total Body Destruction!

DMT Trip Report - Part 2 - INSANE! Total Body Destruction!

Shaman Oaks

Published on 24 Apr 2016


I took 2 really big hits and immediately I could tell something was different. The walls and the ceiling started to vibrate, sort of feeling like they were pushing away from me. I felt like at any minute, reality as I knew it could break apart. As I’m sitting there white disks, sort of Aztec like, and as soon as I turn to my left this big red Aztec angry looking face with a hand breaks through the air. And it comes at me and grabs my shirt. I fall back on the bed and close my eyes.

As soon as I close my eyes I’m outside my body. And my body starts to fold in on itself from above and below until it collapses into a little white ball and get sucked into a dark tunnel. At first it’s really fast but eventually it starts slowing down and getting really windy. And as I look around I see that the tunnel is like black snake skin. And I think that’s kinda scary.

Eventually the tunnel gets wider and wider until it opens into this big canyon. And the first thing I see is another ball of light off in the distance. And I remember it from before I was a human! It was a great reunion feeling. She was excited to see me and I was excited to see her and she wanted to show me around.

We’re in this dark canyon with walls that go up hundreds of feet and there is blackness above me and blackness all the way down. And forever ahead of me is blackness. Also in this canyon there are these big lion heads that come out and form out of nothing. We go around the corner and it opens into a big green field and there are two towers that are rotating and morphing in a way that is unworldly. I felt like I was there for a really long time. I felt like she was building this world for me, for us.

At one point we were racing around this track and I have this thought: Where’s the girl from the cosmic day spa? And as soon as I had that thought a woman’s face appeared on this red glass. She kind of looked at me and said: “Is she not?” And as I think that I need to ask her something that I can take back with me, I got into a pattern of thinking of the things I haven’t done. Things that take years to do, I haven’t started doing yet because I’m not good with time. And she says: “What is time if you have lived here for multiple eternities?”

It made total sense when she said it. I have all these memories of being with her. I’m this ball of energy and all these little elves run up and they start building me a body made of blocks. And as soon as they finished I sat up in the bed and burst apart, exploded into all these different pieces, all these different blocks. And as a ball of energy I went on a different journey. I sat up and opened my eyes and then lay back down in the bed. And as soon as I closed my eyes I was a huge sand dune in the middle of a desert. And the female entity blew and I felt every little particle of sand fly up into the air and dissipate until I was left with a ball of energy and followed her.

At one point we’re in this boat floating down the river and I can hear the music floating down emanating from the atmosphere. The base line separates and becomes a string that’s playing itself. Eventually it turns into a giant space worm that had all these different ribs in it and was rainbow colored and all the colors are changing. On the front of it is a white rose. Eventually the worm pulls into this hole between two platforms and stops. And this is the first time I see her in human form. So she steps off and I step off and a few feet in front of me I see her. She has long dark hair, bluish, translucent, with white lines and white dots. She said: “This is it.” And I opened my eyes and it was over.