Abstract and Geometric

Abstract and Geometric entities sometimes stood out from their surroundings and sometimes grew or emerged out of the geometry of their surrounding environment. They appeared as symmetrical shapes, a mantis made of triangles, eggs and spheres, a geometric humanoid, a godhead made of chaotic patterns, a cubical being bent into rectangular frames, a fractal octopus, geometrical frameworks and grid-work structures, made of blocks and changing shapes, strings of changing lights and a wave in fractal fabric. Sometimes they were covered in jewelled patterns and symbols, circuit board patterns, fractals, kaleidoscopic shapes or swirling colors.

Their most common behaviour was that of surgeons and teachers but they also acted as guides, ambassadors, caregivers, caretakers, gatekeepers, entertainers and creators. Their dispositions varied from sinister, annoyance, concern, neutral, disinterested or disaffected, happy, nurturing, playful, welcoming, mischievous and jester-like.

there was beings there and they were somewhat humanoid in shape wearing robes and long flowing bodies of some kind, they were much more bell shaped than humans are. And they were doing something amongst the vibrant multicolored shifting background and the colors were also swirling over them...

they introduced to me as a baby or I felt it was a baby of some kind but it looked to me like 2 blue flat ovals intersecting each other in kinda a crossed butterfly pattern with all kinds of inter... you know how take paper and you cut out snowflakes, like that, those kinds of patterns all over them, intricate, repeating mirrored symmetrical patterns with kind of a jeweled sort of patterns going on around the edge and two red things, two flat red rings going round the top of em, also some hieroglyphs and symbols and patterns..

Dana tries DMT


I saw the being’s face, purple and made of blocks, as was his whole part of hyperspace.

Cleverly Human


I closed my eyes and was immediately face to face with a supreme being of sorts. It had no face, and its form was like a string of multicoloured lights constantly morphing

Report #40 — entities


In my main field of view and focus I saw an entity begin to take shape and materialize out of thousands of interchanging objects/shapes/colors. It was a male entity that resembled some sort of Native American spirit, with some kind of crazy arrangement of colorful feathers?

My first tryp to the "machine"...


all these little crystalline and cybernetically circuit board stamped elf-like creatures started clapping and shouting a welcome-type "weeeyaaah" noise

Gifts from the Elves...Temporary or permanent?


First, I see a man and it’s a rectangular frame and around the frame is a bent arm, like an arm that has multiple elbows and the hand that’s just gnarly and things. Somewhere in there is a man’s face.The rest of his body is kind of melded together.

My Second Dmt Experience - A Trip Report 'Examining the Cube


Four beings are in front of me, staring at me with concern as I lie curled, trembling. These creatures take an amorphous shape, and I can only depict them from the fractal space around them because they have an aura about them... One of the creatures before me moves across the fractal space like a current through water

Tongues of Divinity


She was a geometrical framework and the framework and the framework around her was moving faster than she was. She was the perfect figure of a naked woman and her framework was flowing and playful and she was laying in the air and she’s talking to me.

Naked Lady of the Forest || Profound DMT Trip Experience Explained


The shapes and patterns surrounding it look like entities, in fact they are. The entities sit on the top part of the frame and are watching me, based on my reactions to this info they respond differently

My final journey (for a while)


When I tried to focus on him, he seemed to be less of a giant Praying Mantis bug, but more of a Mantoid or Mantis-esque collage consisting of a Large Triangle that his Eye sat in, this within a sphere, orbited by a bunch of smaller gyroscopic eggs with geometries and patterns within them.

Please Share if you have ANYthing in common


The flower forms once more, and from within it unfurls several spiral arms, much like a fractal octopus. Along each of these extending arms were countless versions of itself, perfectly spiralling to tiny crisp points. It moves slow, searching, before sensing me. It quickly reaches out towards me

DMT Trip Report by Ricky Tea


He gave me a hug and as I touched him he dissolved into a geometric humanoid shape. He sucked me into him and while inside of him, he zoomed into space.

DMT trip report: My first trip


Before me shimmered the most exquisitely complicated spiritual portal. It’s impossible design continuously rearranged itself in new dimensions that made no sense yet were clearly imbued with meaning and design. It’s infinite shifting colors were mechanical yet organic, machine and alive. It was then that I realized that the entire portal was itself a being. A large godlike head made entirely of this light and chaos, a gatekeeper.

What DMT Feels Like | Immersive Experience


In front of me was a geometric being, balancing itself on a log. To better describe this entity, it was all black (but not dark at all) and seemed to be made of elementary geometric shapes. It's face was a perfect circle. It's eyes were half circles facing downwards. It's body, a rectangle.

Geometric beings and multiple carrier waves.


this grid-work structure. It was male, definitely, I know it was male. And it did have energy,

Report #138 — entities


And he was like this lizard god, made out of a lizard and a snake and a bird. In the middle of his body was made out of Metatron’s cube and like the yin yang symbols for his thighs and symbols everywhere. Incredible patterns all over his skin everywhere and they were glowing, radiating the most vibrant light of many colors.

DMT Story #2 Breakthrough


entity that’s made out of geometry and then it expanded into a palace type place full of geometry... in the center or I guess the middle of the room there was this entity that I also saw that was kind of white and it had geometry.

DMT TRIP REPORT - Entered An Alien Room Then Spoke In Tongues!


The planes of the kaleidoscope started shifting in opposing directions and I felt like I was travelling through a wormhole. At this point, I was attacked by the most uncanny feeling yet - this 'plastic' that she had talked about, it was not entirely molded by her. It was forming and reforming on its own. It was not just expanding and contracting... it was breathing. The 'plastic' was ALIVE! I was travelling through a biomass wormhole...

Form Over Physics


I fearlessly stepped through the doorway and was greeted by a large 'being' which took the form of an N-dimensional (where N is greater than 3) unicursal hexagram. Its 'skeleton' appeared to be made of light and an 'eye' at every vertex/intersection. Every 'eye' was a copy of the being, repeating itself infinitely.

Whimsical Arrogance Leads to the Cosmic ER
