96. Peek Through The Firmament

Peek through the firmament



As soon as I closed my eyes, immensely colorful and vivid visuals were there. And not just they were there, I was flying through them, and they were passing beside me. There were mostly Islamic-like shapes and patterns, like those you can find on Arabic carpets.

As I flew through these, I don't know quite and how I ended up in this place which I'm going to describe, and this is where the words really fail:

I ended up in a room, very colorful and very bright. At first, it wasn't so clear, but then it cleared up, and became solid and "real". This room had a big cube floating and spinning in the center of it. Although the room appeared bounded, it seemed infinite in width (yes, impossible, I know).

And so this cube was spinning madly inside this room. It was glorious, magnificent, ineffable, defies any explanation there currently is. As it was spinning, it gradually changed into something more complex, now it was something with 5 edges and angles, then 6, 7...until it was complex, that it’s shape is simply impossible to exist. At least in 3D space for that matter.

But never mind its complex, and impossible shape, that cube also had very interesting shapes and patterns on it. As it changed, patterns also on it changed, the more complex the cube was, more complex the patterns were. And the room it was in, the cube actually dictated how the room will look like. The cube dictated where it will be, and how it's environment will look like. Some of the patterns from the cube were projecting on the walls of this room. Then I was thinking: "this cube must be a living organism. It is not an inanimate object". Through the whole experience, I was telling myself: "You have to remember this, this is important, you must never, ever forget this".

And this I must note, as this cube spun, the music which followed it was very futuristic and alien sounding, out of this place and time. It was in synchrony with the cube, the cube and sound were inseparable. Maybe actually the cube was making that sound? I don't know....

I don't know how, and why the scene changed, but after that, I was looking at an alien city, with curvy, coney, roundly buildings, which looked surreal. Now the futuristic music was also there, but it was different. As I looked at this scene, it started fading. "Oh, I'm coming back", I thought.

As I opened my eyes, I was melted with the room and couch I was on. It looked like there's no difference between the couch I was on, and the room I was in, we were one. Everything, even plants in my room were me, and I was them. There's no separation. Separation seemed like illusion.