10. First Experience

DMT: First Experience

Icarus FourEightOh

Published on 1 Jun 2015


I take the really first hard rip and I’m holding it in. I’m rocking back and forth to try to take my mind off the nastiness in my lungs. After I let it out, everything is more obvious. Terence McKenna described it: all the air is let out of the room, things become more round, more sharper, more detailed. I take another rip. The second hit, once I blew it out, everything became like connected, like a pattern, almost Super Mario like, blockiness, colorful and a 10 second tracer.

Third rip and I was seeing this floral pattern, it was everywhere I looked. So I take one more, really hard and close my eyes and I’m still seeing this pattern but it’s more psychedelic, more colorful, more clear. When I blow it out, it opened, like it came closer to me. When it opened there was this light and I was in a tunnel with eyes. Once I hit the end; Boom. It’s like I was rocket propelled into another realm, another dimension. This place of unimaginable beauty, unimaginable power. In this place, time and space does not exist. This place feels like you’ve been there a hundred times before.

Arteries along the wall are throbbing with energy, pumping with light in unimaginable colors, there’s geometric patterns everywhere. Everything is connected. It was like I was flying over a city. And the buildings are changing and there is this interdimensional vast network of fractal buildings. I feel like I’m flying so fast like I’m on a roller coaster and freak out. Then this motherly voice, this presence speaking to me. “Don’t freak out. You’re okay, you’re with us.” It was this kaleidoscopic realm of unfathomable power. I’m flying over this sacred geometry that is made in the 3rd, 4th, 9th fucking dimension. And I am having this beautiful connection with everything. I am everything, I am the world, I am the universe, I am the cosmos.I am everything, I am part of the master plan. It’s just this complete sense of Love.


We try it again and the 2nd time I broke through and there were these triangle lines everywhere along the walls. There were flashing colors and wonderful lightness. This weird being with an elongated head. It had this giant 3rd eye and it blended in with the background of this realm. It started speaking to me in a language that wasn’t English but it was a language I could understand. He was giving me a piece of the master plan.

You come back and immediately forget or can’t even fathom what they were really saying.