93. 3rd Times a Charm

3rd Times a Charm


The failed lighter had come back to life and was much more effective, I once again held in my first hit to great effect, as I blew it out the sound echoed with a metallic ring. I was already well on my way to hyperspace and I could feel the presence of the molecule in the room, it felt like an invisible force pulling me into its world, I could feel a presence everywhere inside and out. I took my 2nd hit and held it in, as I did so I started to hear female voices calling me. They were welcoming me back and seemed to be happy I was returning to their realm. “Hello, were glad your back”, “it’s great to see you, we have so much to show you” and “come on its time to go”, hearing these words blew me away, I couldn’t see anybody or anything, there were no sprites in the shadows like last time but these voices must have come from somewhere. I don’t remember closing my eyes and only have a vague recollection of putting the bong down.

I was wrapped in fractals from the start, the monolith didn’t appear but the big spinning disc did and on it sat a female Buddha (Kwan Yin?), this was the same room that housed the thrown/castle from Friday. This time fractal fields exploded backwards from Kwan Yin, all the fractals were made of women who moved and undulated. Beautiful fractal fields unfolded and the female inhabitants danced and moved inside the wave. These were the beings which had been so welcoming and who had beckoned me into their world, we continued to interact but I don’t remember what was said but there was some kind of strange telepathic communication between myself and them.

I remember thinking that this was amazing and that I wanted it to keep going or to get stronger, to go deeper into the experience. At this point the scene was split in 2, down the centre of my vision there was a line which is where the female fractal sheet originated, it stretched out to the left where it moved and morph and waved in wondrous ways.

The right side of the scene became a man in a room, I was looking down on him and could only see that top of his head. This scene was distracting me from my interaction with the fractal entities and this didn’t please me, but the man had a strange kind of hold over me, a fascination, I looked at the top of his head and felt that I was feeling/experiencing his whole life, it was like a flashback of his life in my mind, after the flash I knew all about him and why he was there. (communion).

After this interbeing flashback I turned my attention back to the fractals, as I did the scene of the man faded and the room changed to a small square room with a big comfy chair in the middle which was surrounded by pillows. I looked at the fractal and it started to change, the whole fractal sheet drew in on itself and formed a single fractal woman. She formed and was a beautiful, a swirling mass of colours and energy, she was smooth and seemed to have no clothes or texture. I was looking at her from side on thinking, ”wow, I wasn’t expecting that”. I stared at her in amazement, she was a real person, just like the jesters, facing to the left and I could clearly make out her profile and she looked beautiful. I looked at her and she seemed real but I thought that she must be some kind of statue, all of a sudden she turned to face me, she looked right at me,“do you want to?”

We had become seated in the cushion filled room, she was sat on the chair looking down at me and smiling. We didn’t speak, but I did communicate my answer to her question. Clearly my answer was “hell yeah”, I figured you should never turn down this kind of offer in real life but when a being of psychedelic energy propositions you there is only 1 way to go. She seemed happy with my answer and then filled me with a weird sexual energy, I was on the cushions looking up at her, a tingling buzzing vibration consumed me. I stayed in the room for a short while until the feeling reached a crescendo and it seemed to cause an explosion in the room, it was like a door blew open and I was sucked through it and out of the room. I was in space filled with strange shapes, the shapes were very cool and normally I would have paid more attention to them but I was still consumed with the toe curling vibrations that the fractal lady had shared with me. I looked down, toward the room I had been blasted from, I could see the hole I had blasted though, I could make out the fractal lady looking up at me smiling. At this point I had no desire to explore the space or concentrate on the details of my environment, I just bathed in the glorious, soul shaking feeling I had been allowed to experience.

As time went on the visuals of the new space, and the view of the lovely fractal lady, began to fade, however, the carrier wave stayed and the buzzing vibrating feeling which filled my body remained. I remember the feeling fading next, and all I was left with was the carrier wave. I listened to the carrier wave, but not the sound I heard in my ears, it was the sound I processed in my mind that I was tuned into. As I paid more and more attention to the wave it multiplied and split into several different layers, I could concentrate on any individual part of the wave but then each individual part would split into more components. This slowly faded and once again the day's journeys was complete.