Living Machines

Living machines appeared as tunnels, intricate geometric and grid-like structures, balls, jeweled mechanical elves and snakes, insects, hyperdimensional portals and spaceships. Sometimes they were made of gears and pulsing with living energy. They behaved as surgeons, transportation, magicians or teachers, guides, a welcoming committee, a gatekeeper and sentinels. Their dispositions varied from neutral and disinterested to antagonistic, playful, loving, welcoming and nurturing. 

In the next part I see myself in this tunnel. Everything looked like a biological machine, the inside of a body almost, but there were these tissues and gears and these things pumping. Gears made of blood and tissues, organs, very biological. And as I see this sprocket, in one of the little teeth of this gear, my awareness zooms into it and I see it’s an actual being. It looked almost like a head, really long with antennae on top. So I realize everything around me is alive

My DMT Experience - Entities, Inner Worlds, Awe, Fear, Ego Death, and Realizations

 The room itself had many strange, interchanging pieces of other-worldly "furniture" that I had never seen before. Such odd, yet seemingly intelligent little gadgets and contraptions, and atop these "pieces of furniture" were all sorts of other extremely intricate beings and structures

My first tryp to the "machine"...

 I have memories of being in the operating room and having these, these machine doctors essentially using light tools to um, kind of do some sort of weird procedure on my mind itself. 

Dmt Trip Report | Meeting the DMT Doctors

he seemed to be less of a giant Praying Mantis bug, but more of a Mantoid or Mantis-esque collage consisting of a Large Triangle that his Eye sat in, this within a sphere, orbited by a bunch of smaller gyroscopic eggs with geometries and patterns within them. 

His body was largely Mechanical in nature, deep emerald color, and I distinctly remember seeing his right forearm in the lower left-hand area of my viewpoint. This arm was grey and green, with mechanical Cogs spinning and tubes coming out of it. It kind of writhed in a technical manner. There seemed to be eyeballs on this arm also. His whole presence was at once part of the faceted tentacle geometries, and distinct from them.

Please Share if you have ANYthing in common

I saw the geometrical shape of that. I’d see a geometrical ideal of it and the actual dimensions of it. And it was connected somehow in this realm and it looked like a cage and it was all around the whole world. And it had a type of energy to it. It wasn’t like an evil negative energy but kind of like an aggravating little brother energy, like a constant.

My experiences with DMT to YOUNG PHARAOH

There was a whole family of bouncing jewelled mechanical elves.  There were 5 specific jewel elves. A father, a mother, a daughter, a son and another child, a small baby. They say: “Welcome back. Why don’t you stay with us? Oh wait, you’re not ready.” 

Experiences With Dimethyltryptamine DMT

all these little crystalline and cybernetically circuit board stamped elf-like creatures started clapping and shouting a welcome-type "weeeyaaah" noise

Gifts from the Elves...Temporary or permanent?

Before me shimmered the most exquisitely complicated spiritual portal. It’s impossible design continuously rearranged itself in new dimensions that made no sense yet were clearly imbued with meaning and design. It’s infinite shifting colors were mechanical yet organic, machine and alive. 

What DMT Feels Like

 In the distance I could see this grid-like structure, a three-dimensional grid, and it was really massive, like the size of a house or something... it was just a really comforting person, entity. And it was from this grid-work structure. It was male, definitely, I know it was male. 

Report #138 — entities

The snake in the wall was also still there; again I'm sure the snake is what some of the kids transform into. The kids seem 'real' or realistic, the snake is jewel-encrusted, semi-mechanical, in-organic or not a traditional "lifeform".

Report #269 — entities

Ahead was an entirely ludicrous, tensile, concentric, mandala-like disco-medusa that wore about it a technicolor dreamcoat of fibrillating antennae, surrounded by an ultraviolet aura. Instantly I could tell it was alive: some sort of a sentinel. Then seemingly out of nowhere and from every direction at once came these freakish tentacles of liquid lapis lazuli. They began moving together with an almost orchestral hyperprecision,

Wishful psychonaut

And there were these jellyfish floating through this space and the jellyfish had smiles on their faces. They were jellyfish like characters, like animal-like entities. There were like these little machine balls that had these eyes and like coming from them were these chattering voices

DMT Story #2 Breakthrough

My two friends had become sarcophagi floating out over the valley. But it wasn’t that they had become dead, they had become spaceships that only looked like huge sarcophagi.

DMT EXPERIENCES #7 | "Alien Dimension"

The feeling of flying is not an accurate description of the sensation that accompanied my movement toward the point, which was gold, and, to my surprise, was actually metallic. I came immediately upon the source, which was a DNA scarab, a construct, an insect of impossible dimensions, miles in diameter and circumference. The skin of the carapace was polished to a high sheen and thin to the point of transparency. I could see tiny, endless arrangements of gears and pinions just beneath the gold wing, tiny points of alien light darted from what were molecular points of cognitive energy, impossible in color and detail, billions and billions of precision gears meshing quietly and generating consciousness, which was traversing a planned route, terrifying in its complexity, but beautiful in its exactitude.

Infinity of the Now