73. My first DMT Experience!

My first DMT Experience! BREAKTHROUGH to the Realm of the Immortals and Enki the Sumerian God!


11 May 2019

Trippy TV

The way I perceived the room the minute I closed my eyes was that the box of the room was like snakes. And my basic understanding of that is that the snakes were like energy and I just remember them doing like a box cause we’re in a room and the four pillars. Then I felt like I was protected and shit. And then there was a big ass snake trying to eat me and I said: “No, force field.” Then it telepathically showed me it was going to take me through the other realms. So the snake eats me and I’m inside another world, a universe, right. I’m inside one that neon light shit that people see, that people make those paintings about, that shit is real. I was in the realm of the architects cause I started seeing mosaic shit from the desert and palm trees and Egyptian shit and shit over the arch, architecture from my peoples. Then I was seeing further past in time, seeing architectural shit folding in on itself. It was basically architectural geometric design overlapping and going in on itself. After that it goes to some like Victorian Gothic like architecture.

After that I passed through this area and it was like whatever the human realm, human consciousness is, we dwell in this bubble. Our dreamworld and this other shit, is contained within a bubble. I passed that bubble into the realm of immortals, bro. I passed that and there were like eyes. Not physical eyes but it was the awareness of multiple awarenesses being aware of a human intelligence coming into their sphere. This is a realm where there’s consciousness that never sleep then I popped back down here.

So I take another hit and I break through again and there were these four things that were hovering over me and trying to not let me go. I passed them and then I was like, I want to know the truth to like what the fuck is going on in human history and I get flown past like Earth past space. I’m going math far deep until I reach this spot where I see this Sumarian god, Enki but this nigga was blue. If he’s like super tall, I reached his foot. I reached his foot and all I saw was this side glance.