
The most common Threshold experiences are various forms of visual Geometry. Often the structures are complex and dynamic and the longer they are engaged the more they change, grow in complexity become personified or become gateways to someplace else. There are grids, webs, blocks, sacred geometry, fractals, kaleidoscopic, flower and mandala patterns.

This new world was one of geometric shapes, and beautiful creatures soaring through the air. I looked down at my body to discover that I was geometric too. I was made of triangles and squares.

Report #24

I was enveloped in an overwhelming sea of colorful geometry

Whimsical Arrogance Leads to the Cosmic ER

Slowly, blue lines began to form in front of me. They crossed and intersected in seemingly random ways at first, but then a scene began to form and the picture took on a third dimension.

Crash Landing in Deep Space Asteroid Suburbs

And I was transported to the usual grid of colors, but this time it was different.

Cleverly Human (Grid)

I closed my eyes and was immediately greeted with an object which I believe may be of the standard “chrysanthemum” pattern. It looked most like an anemone or a writhing mass of stylized worms or, oddly, pasta (in fact my first thought was something like “oooh psychedelic lunch”) mostly in neon blue and black but often purple or green interiors.

At the Table of the Red Tribe

Basically, I’m just looking at a rectangle for a while, not really aware there was space around it. And there’s this guy standing on the one wall and he’s just kinda leaning up against it, implying something about depth but I don’t quite understand it. And he’s happy to see me.

DMT Trip Report - The Cosmic Orgasm / Bliss Trip

I look to my left while I’m holding my second one and I see all these transparent spirals moving through the air.

First DMT Experience - This Was Insane!

That’s when I noticed these triangle fractals just spiralling out from my chest and my body in all these directions. And the feeling in my body was complete connection, complete power.

My DMT Experience

I reach to put the bubbler on the nightstand as I'm pulling my arm back, it smears into a fractally mess all about my nightstand.

Creation and the Order of Survival

I could hear 3 distinct carrier waves. Each of a slightly different pitch. There were some fractal designs for only a second,

Geometric beings and multiple carrier waves.

I know there was a blue and a green light in the room, and my hallucinations initially at this point were bizarre fractals in those colors. Layers of these fractal patterns kept peeling outwards and inwards at the same time

Report #107

I remember that the room instantly turned to rotating fractals, tiny little ones, that grew as they rotated towards me, and finally took over my vision.

Report #235 — entities

The smoke wasn't as harsh as people said it would be - after about 3 seconds I started getting visuals, fractals etc. I took another hit quickly, this time taking in as much as I possibly could before I was completely out of it. Immediately as I exhaled, I saw the famous orange and red circular thingy above me.

First Experience - Unlike anything I can even think of.

And when I closed my eyes I saw the actual Flower of Life symbol, the pattern more beautiful than I’ve ever seen it before, so colorful. Every little flower pattern that you see is a different color and it kept changing (mosaic). I was like diving into it, like orbiting into the Flower of Life. And it was like fractal patterns forming within

DMT Story #2 Breakthrough

I thought to myself as time slows to a halt and my vision becomes a fractal static.

DMT EXPERIENCES #7 | "Alien Dimension"

I shut my eyes and the geometrics were very dominant

Psychonaught talk on DMT experience

"...everything became like connected, like a pattern, almost Super Mario like, blockiness, colorful and a 10 second tracer. Third rip and I was seeing this floral pattern, it was everywhere I looked."

DMT: First Experience

I hold the hit, and patterns are already flitting on my dresser and desk and in the corner of my eye

Tongues of Divinity

I took the second toke and the room began dissolving, being replaced by fuzzy pixelated light patterns.

Please Share if you have ANYthing in common

At this point Dinos' vision became flooded with hundreds of crisscrossing purple and green tubes or vines of some sort that were decorated with the most intricate geometric designs. These tubes?, wires?, vines?, snakes? whatever they were, were woven into some huge interconnected web that was kind of just floating there in this space.

Dinos Experience Report

"The first major part was the chrysanthemum (pineal like recursive string or fractal of a triangle with the all seeing eye in the middle swirling thousands of them into a maelstrom to the center"

Gifts from the Elves...Temporary or permanent?

"Luminescent spiderwebs, gradually morphing into a pattern like a chrysanthemum, but more geometric, less organic"

First Impressions

"The flower forms once more, and from within it unfurls several spiral arms, much like a fractal octopus."

DMT Trip Report by Ricky Tea

I remember holding in the smoke, then this: Something that I can only figure was good ole Terence's Chrysanthemum pattern materialized. It was all I could see, as far as my visual plane would stretch. It was beautiful. All kinds of indescribable movements and interlocking patterns were appearing in front of me, and the patterns seemed to stretch out toward me.

Report #125 — entities

colors of burnt amber, tangerine, ochre, and black were a coalescing congression of a rose window-mandala of complete improbability

Report #123 — entities

And as soon as I exhaled these reticulating triangles emerged on the wall.

Experiences With Dimethyltryptamine DMT

As I’m sitting there white disks, sort of Aztec like

DMT Trip Report - Part 2

I had to let the breath out. Everything started fracturing before my eyes. Everything started turning into a framework, like buildings being built by construction workers and architects and fracturing and turning into colors and round edges and edges that were round and colors that I’ve never seen before, and reverberating patterns right before my eyes.

Naked Lady of the Forest

So my turn came and instantly because we had been regularly moving into hyperspace at this time, the geometry was very quick to come and go,

Incredible Amazing crazy DMT trip report

As I withdrew from the oil burner and blew out, I remember everything in my peripheral vision turning into laser geometric shapes and then it crumbled like building blocks and fell.

Dmt experience. God, Alien, Everything, and Me?

On the fourth hit the vibrations increased and I started getting closed eye visuals. I saw geometric shapes and I started controlling them, letting them show me what they wanted to be and me leading them to that.

DMT trip report: My first trip

I was in this strange reality where it was colorful like Japanimation colors, flickering and patterns and geometric shapes.

My DMT Report

The pattern on the wall hangings oscillated madly in time to the buzzing that overlaid the carrier wave's fundamental tone.

Report #19 — entities

340 DMT Trip Reports

Next I remember a frequency noise with lots of chrome silver squares spinning and morphing fast with the noise

Report #52

Runes and geometric patterns filled the air, hovered around me, tattooed themselves over the walls, the furniture, the other people in the room. These images were copper- or golden-colored and I had only a few seconds to look at them. In those few seconds I saw an intricate interweave of sacred geometrical motifs — pentagrams, seals and symbols, golden triangles — drawn from every mystical and traditional source.

Report #338 — entities

Daniel Pinchbeck

Breaking Open The Head

The figure looks a bit clown-like but it’s basically made of overlapping geometry and patterns but they’re pretty much all the same pattern, just arranged in a similar fashion.


when you've opened the door, the geometry you pass through that stack, that shield, that membrane

DMT trip report (bizarre alien mantis dmt entitie


It's like my eyes are closed and then the distance is like seeing this, this colorful pattern

Welcome To The Circus Dmt Trip Report

The sky started to digitize like minecraft, or something, little squares. Everything got hella bright, it was like hella crazy, hella bright and shit. The clouds started changing and shit. It was like different patterns and colors.

My DMT Experience, Seeing the Dome and Simulation on DMT..

Everything was radically and rapidly breaking up into square defined edges and lit up from inside as I lay back and closed my eyes.

100-sided Faberge Egg Geometry

I close my eyes and it's like all the sacred geometry shit, like all the patterns and shit like that,

My First Dmt Trip Report Experience

and a grid came up, like everything had a grid on it


As I glanced down at the pipe a cascading wisp of delicate, lacewing geometric shapes in deep purple and electric vermillion rose up from the bowl.

The Quantum Cube of Thy Self Illustrated

I watched the faces of my 2 friends and my girlfriend melt off of their heads, seen blue/green/red/yellow geometric patterns shifting

My first time using DMT

The room had been dark but now a hovering, circular blue light was illuminating the room with a warm, flickering orange glow,

Just When I Thought it Couldn't Get any Better

I looked around me and it was sacred geometry all over the wall.

My first DMT trip

The stroboscopic lights morphed into Kaleidoscopic textures and planes forming a new reality.

Form Over Physics

There were mostly Islamic-like shapes and patterns, like those you can find on Arabic carpets.

Peek through the firmament

Kirlian photography electro-luminescent spider webs materializing into cev field, gradually morphing into more recognizable feline striped patterns.

4 in one