
Machines and Mechanisms are constructed or made devices that come in various shapes and sizes . They are various kinds of objects that are sometimes familiar in function but strange in shape and other times strange objects of unknown purpose. Some are pyramids, spaceships, vehicles, toys, tablets, portals, or control panels, organic machines and spheres or cubes.

I could see this grid-like structure, a three-dimensional grid, and it was really massive, like the size of a house or something.

Report #138 — entities

"I remember being in an alien manufacturing plant. There was alien machinery and aliens operating them and they knew I was there and they were very excited."

"I perceived the back of me, the front of me, the side of me as I was falling down this machinery wormhole"

Breakthrough DMT Trip Report

CG Kid

"Everything looked like a biological machine, the inside of a body almost, but there were these tissues and gears and these things pumping. Gears made of blood and tissues, organs, very biological."

My DMT Experience - Entities, Inner Worlds, Awe, Fear, Ego Death, and Realizations

Bryan Divisions

"I stood in front of this large cube that had started having the smaller cubes shoot out of it with coded encryptons on them and remembering to catch them and put them back into the main cube, knowing that I had to solve this complex alien-like puzzle."

Report #52

"The room itself had many strange, interchanging pieces of other-worldly "furniture" that i had never seen before. Such odd, yet seemingly intelligent little gadgets and contraptions"

My first tryp to the "machine"...

"Arteries along the wall are throbbing with energy, pumping with light in unimaginable colors, there’s geometric patterns everywhere."

DMT: First Experience

Icarus FourEightOh

"As the effects became stronger, he felt as if he were being pulled through hyperspace and into this machine-like web of pipes/tubes."

Dinos Experience Report

"And then I was zoomed through hyperspace, all these colors by all these mechanical shapes, beautiful geometry."

My DMT Report

Reality Engaged with Angelo John Gage

"This was like the Ark of the Covenant, a box with an impossible array of geometric constructions. It was moving and changing and interlocking. And as I looked inside was a swirling mass of impossible geometry..."

Incredible Amazing crazy DMT trip report

Dreaming Jaguars

...a very mechanical/alien-looking Mayan-themed pyramid.... the red recliner machine

Whimsical Arrogance Leads to the Cosmic ER

I’m kinda floating somewhere, in an unknown space and shit and I’m being shown this machinery... block-like cut out like it was part of a pyramid type design. The way the blocks moved, intricate, up, down, side to side, interconnecting and moving and driving something

Psychonaught talk

"Its infinite shifting colors were mechanical yet organic, machine and alive."

What DMT Feels Like | Immersive Experience

Daniel Love - The Lucid Guide

"I got a glimpse of several entities moving in front of a giant complex control panel."

"The central panel I saw was the control panel for the entire universe."

"...doing strange things with strange objects that seemed to be a weird hybrid between crystals and machines."

Report #19 — entities

340 DMT Trip Reports

"I looked and I looked until I realized that I was sinking in a clock. The clock wasn't your average clock; it had hundreds of hands, moving everywhere, all at different speeds."

Report #24

"I asked to be shown the mechanism that toggles the reality slices and could I see a map of hyperspace?????? Something appeared like a Michael Moschen miniature model that had continuously morphed little balls(?) of frozen time and space, each ball separated by a membrane of verticality."

Report #123 — entities

"I was in casino world... no beings just hundreds of spinning purple drums (like slot machine drums)."

Report #293 — entities

"Above me hovered a metallic "halo" of the approximate consistency of a ring-shaped air bubble rising through water."

Report #216 — entities

the snake is jewel-encrusted, semi-mechanical, in-organic or not a traditional "lifeform"

Report #269 — entities

My vision zooms in, like my eyes have become microscopes, and I see molecular structures piecing together to form matter on the most basic of levels. It looks almost like a computer program, pieces of information attached to one another in certain ways to collectively form an information database

Report #236 — entities

After the blink, I'm in a very ancient/modern deserted laboratory or study. It's dusty with lots of brassy or copper oxidized orbital translucent/glassine spheres, almost like armillary spheres encased with a translucent mica. Some translucent, some solid. I think were around a dozen in varying degrees of translucent/opaque. They were very organic and alive, yet static. non-transforming, a hybrid of ancient and futuristic tech.

4 in one

"At that point a few of them started singing matter into existence manifesting as crystal sphere-like artifacts with code in them"

Gifts from the Elves...Temporary or permanent?

"this within a sphere, orbited by a bunch of smaller gyroscopic eggs with geometries and patterns within them. "

Please Share if you have ANYthing in common

There were like these little machine balls that had these eyes and like coming from them were these chattering voices.

DMT Story #2 Breakthrough

"some sort of weird instrument kind of like a needle in the thread it felt like and started like just interacting with my left eye."

Dmt Trip Report | Meeting the DMT Doctors

Ahead was an entirely ludicrous, tensile, concentric, mandala-like disco-medusa that wore about it a technicolor dreamcoat of fibrillating antennae, surrounded by an ultraviolet aura... They began moving together with an almost orchestral hyperprecision...


They all danced with rave toys of the future: I can describe one mechanism perfectly. This elf holds two wands one in each hand, on the end of the wand glistened a gem of spasming colors.

Doo Dee Doo DMT. a history of D-reports.

There were fountains and spinning mandalas like lit-up roulette wheels or flowering chakras that seemed organic as well as mechanical.

Report #338 — entities

Daniel Pinchbeck Breaking Open The Head

I come to an abrupt stop and seem to be suspended above a massive glowing energy source....I try to move towards the machine

Return to the source

But it wasn’t that they had become dead, they had become spaceships that only looked like huge sarcophagi.

DMT EXPERIENCES #7 | "Alien Dimension"

Well I am on a fricking spaceship. Everything is white trimmed with shiny metal. Very technological.

Well I am on a fricking spaceship. Everything is white trimmed with shiny metal. Very technological.

Play with the technology!

And suddenly they pull my field of vision up and one of them hops out of the side of my field of view and just slaps this tablet in my face. This was a living thing that was rectangular and in it held worlds and these worlds were heavenly and beautiful.

My First DMT Experience: "Death by Astonishment"

these bright multi-colored machines fell from the yellow sky and landed all around me. I felt as if I had just taken a leap into the mechanics of my own brain. These machines were making a lot of loud noise and they began producing these alien-like creatures of all shapes and sizes.

DMT trip

But anyway I was in this big round room and it looked like geometric shapes and all that. In the middle was this pillar connected to the top and the bottom of this room.

Next thing I know is that the tower thing is making the whole room spiral continuously. And then there’s cartwheels of color and geometric shapes, you know kaleidoscape stuff.

my DMT experiences

And parked in the middle of these two dunes, filling my vision, was a vehicle of some sort, a iridescent to the tenth power, neon shifting changing swirling carnival of lights but it was like a chariot.

DMT trip report (bizarre alien mantis dmt entities)

Dreaming Jaguars


Two of them escorted me onto a vehicle. It was a little cart that went on some tracks (think Indiana Jones: The Temple of Doom… the mine cart!). The tracks went through the city, and as I rode the cart I tried to take in as much as I could along the way.

Journey #3: The Golden City and Beyond

a DNA scarab, a construct, an insect of impossible dimensions, miles in diameter and circumference. The skin of the carapace was polished to a high sheen and thin to the point of transparency. I could see tiny, endless arrangements of gears and pinions just beneath the gold wing, tiny points of alien light darted from what were molecular points of cognitive energy, impossible in color and detail, billions and billions of precision gears meshing quietly and generating consciousness, which was traversing a planned route, terrifying in its complexity, but beautiful in its exactitude.

Infinity of the Now

I remember was being in this manufacturing plant. It was like this massive manufacturing operation that was like miles, freakin miles.

My First DMT Breakthrough Experience

Cg Kid


I was inside a piece of fantastic and 100-sided geometry that was shaped like (& reminded me of) a Faberge egg lying on its side, but the walls of this thing also had strong characteristics of Celtic knots but with sharp, geometrically correct, angles. Our egg was moving down the river and there were other geometric eggs. Some were moving on the river and some were floating and moving in the air. There were entities in them and on them.

I was next to an electric L-shaped thing (wish I knew what) with a blonde-haired entity leaning up against it and looking at me. In front of us was something. There were many, colorful, spinning layers with weird shapes and big structures.

100-sided Faberge Egg Geometry


Then he would spin around me. You go around me and it was almost like he was on a tricycle or some type of car, some type of machine or something. And as he was spinning around, he was creating the fibonacci sequence like a vortex around us, around as he was spinning the whole thing.

Welcome To The Circus Dmt Trip Report

Mark Dreams Trip Reports

The magician showed a hyperspace, 4-D box and shifted my perspective.

Another snap of cosmic fingers and the box remained the same but was now extruded into 4 dimensions

A Magician's Guided Tour To The Universe

Each time my name was called an object was constructed in front of me against the white square backdrop. I felt myself actually moaning in pleasure to see this object being crafted right before my eyes.

The object was a cube and embellished with glyphs across each side.

The Quantum Cube of Thy Self Illustrated

I was shown this strange device as it was built into some sort of surface/table/plane, that was shifting and changing, and there was a cup with a white milky liquid pouring into the surface of this table/plane as well.

My first time using DMT

So, as I’m looking through this dome I could see that the patterns that it’s showing me, it’s like a fucking curved TV. And all the hieroglyphs that I’m seeing is like that curved TV

My DMT Experience, Seeing the Dome

True life Storys

And so this cube was spinning madly inside this room. It was glorious, magnificent, ineffable, defies any explanation there currently is. As it was spinning, it gradually changed into something more complex..

Some of the patterns from the cube were projecting on the walls of this room. Then I was thinking: "this cube must be a living organism.

Peek through the firmament
