
Hyperdimensional places while one of the most common, complex and mysterious Environments encountered on DMT. It is possible that many of the Unknown or Undefined places people visit are also hyperdimensional and by their nature, these places are frequently indescribable. Some of the characteristics of these places are surfaces folding and becoming gateways to other places, seeing things from many angles, something emerging out of a flat surface, objects folding in seemingly impossible ways or peeling outwards and inwards at the same time.

And inside of the square there are very small windows of color, outlined in black and greens and blues and purples. It’s very beautiful. What happens to the rectangle is that it pushes inwards and that reveals these walls and now it’s like I’m looking inside a box. The walls are copies of the image and somehow it perpetuates itself inside like a pattern. And that’s like a shifting block that’s moving and on the other side of that cube is a woman and she has these really big eyes. Different colors: purples, pinks, yellows. And turning and showing me there is another realm beyond it.

My Second Dmt Experience


And he grabs onto the rectangle he was holding onto, which is like the side of the screen and pulls that away. And he shows that there is this rich depth and so I’m looking at the insides between two layers of reality.

DMT Trip Report - The Cosmic Orgasm / Bliss Trip


They sat me down in a vortex that was a bunch of chaotic patterns and I was seeing everything from all angles. I perceived the back of me, the front of me, the side of me

Breakthrough DMT Trip Report


It is difficult to describe, but it seemed "fourth-dimensional". Meaning I was in a place at once both outside and inside the 3rd dimension, and I could see all sides of everything (and the inside) simultaneously... Layers of these fractal patterns kept peeling outwards and inwards at the same time (very confusing)... I fell into its mouth and the teeth started that strange "peeling outwards and inwards at the same time" pattern again as I became totally enveloped by it and was deep inside

Report #107


I began to move closer toward the "core" of him/her. And he began to unfold for me. I passed a green light that had a sphere of purple lines moving around it. And above me was a bright white light.

Cleverly Human (Grid)


there is this interdimensional vast network of fractal buildings.

DMT: First Experience


Then I could see myself from multiple angles at once, lying down, completely like an Alex Grey painting, with all the veins and chakras and pathways lit up and swarming with lights and colored energies

Please Share if you have ANYthing in common


The ceiling fan starts spinning and stretching outwards through the roof like a vortex towards the north pole. I feel it pulling me in so I closed my eyes.

Creation and the Order of Survival (freebase Experience Report)


I immediately noticed that there was something more than just the wall. I noticed at first there was something in the wall, popping out occasionally to show me it was there, it wanted me to recognise it before it would fully come out though. It was something like watching the flat surface of a calm beach and seeing a dolphin periodically break the surface for air. When I recognised that there was definitely something living swimming through this scaffold of unbelievable shapes and colours, it came out.

Report #40 — entities


And my body starts to fold in on itself from above and below until it collapses into a little white ball and get sucked into a dark tunnel.

DMT Trip Report - Part 2


And as I looked inside was a swirling mass of impossible geometry, as Mckenna would say, the Faberge Egg. And inside the egg was a swirling universes and serpents.

Incredible Amazing crazy DMT trip report


At the periphery of my vision I saw twisting white columns like high-tech swizzle sticks, as if I was following a ladder or lattice up, or in or out or all of the above, to hyperspace. As I was sucked into the golden funnel it seemed startlingly clear that all of those symbol systems were not just metaphorical codes but actual gateways to literal dimensions outside of our own.... I had the sense of floating through a fractal tapestry, a curving and infolding plane of synthetic, plastic, fantastic whiteness and gleaming colors in endless vibrant hues. Suddenly I was rocketing through their cities. Multidimensional, jewel-faceted, hard and immaterial palaces

Daniel Pinchbeck

Breaking Open The Head

These Beings were reaching out towards me then retracting back into the sphere. Sometimes they would stick their faces inches from where my face would be if I still had one. They were constantly moving and impossibly fast. An arm here. A face there. Over and over.

Playing with Spiritual Dynamite


The world became so crammed full of intricacy to the nth that it seemed every nook and cranny in my spacetime was exfoliating little crystalline dancing worlds, bellowing ecstasy.

The Elven Antics Annex


Before me shimmered the most exquisitely complicated spiritual portal. It’s impossible design continuously rearranged itself in new dimensions that made no sense yet were clearly imbued with meaning and design... The environment shifted in impossible ways with an intricacy beyond description. This world itself was alive and each fractal pixel of this reality was as complete and complex as the next, each door into another space, another world.

What DMT Feels Like | Immersive Experience


The walls were striped red, orange, yellow. And there were things in the wall that you could tell were alive. They looked like Primso on the show, Adventure Time; they were kind of 2D in the wall but the walls in the room could only be what I described as 12 dimensional. So, I’m in the 12 dimensional room, that’s 3 tesseracts stacked on top of itself.

My First DMT Experience: "Death by Astonishment"


Then I was seeing further past in time, seeing architectural shit folding in on itself. It was basically architectural geometric design overlapping and going in on itself.

My first DMT Experience!


I start to travel through it, with each ‘floor’ being at a different angle... it was like a classic wooden chair with 4 legs, seat and back made up from 8 or so poles. I was on the outside of it, like my whole being was wrapped around it, and I thought to myself, “I’m outside this” then quickly I passed through and was on the inside of this shape.. I’d passed through to another dimension within the chair, everything was unfolding and being turned inside out, and just not stopping there. It felt as if reality was ripped apart 2 or 3 more times as more dimensions opened up within this fast moving whirling space.

DMT - Multidimensional Experience Feat Buddha


I was in the mirror room at the climax of Bruce Lee's Enter the Dragon, except this time the room was multidimensional instead of just four walls and the walls didn't reflect each other as much as meld at various points in a fractal design

Form Over Physics


I’m trying to understand it but then instead of being on the screen it started coming out of the screen and it was floating in the air... There was this statue sitting in front of me, it was like a hyperdimensional statue that was like a ribbon, like hypermoving, it was moving into itself and around itself.

First DMT Experience - Trip Report


I was inside a piece of fantastic and 100-sided geometry that was shaped like (& reminded me of) a Faberge egg lying on its side

100-sided Faberge Egg Geometry


it was like, almost half Arabic half, alien language, flashing this red blue and green color. And they were all on these like, walls of dimensions that kept like moving and folding and pushing through.

DMT: The Alien Maxtrix (Trip Report)


I calmly held in my last toke and closed my eyes. As soon as they folded down, I was folded into the timespace dimension to hyperspace proper.

At first, I saw a tree. It was both three and two dimensional simultaneously, as if MC Escher had willed it so. As I began to perceive it, my perception upon it made the tree cast its shadow unto the ground. Like a Rolodex turning down, my perspective bent down the axis on which the tree existed and the shadow now stood "upright" as I focused on it. The shadow was primarily two dimensional, but again as I beheld the tree-shadow's nature, it too cast it's shadow upon another axis. A shadow's shadow in this hyperspace is but a silhouette, a tearing of the veil of the universe that revealed the universal backstage behind the plane. Peering down into the hole created by the shadow's shadow, I saw wide vistas of the universe. Comets, nebulae, planets with rings and moons and binary suns. It was beautiful and I sat for a moment awestruck.

Another snap of cosmic fingers and the box remained the same but was now extruded into 4 dimensions.

A Magician's Guided Tour To The Universe
