46. Report #235

Report #235 — entities

I managed to take three very deep tokes, and I was gone. I remember that the room instantly turned to rotating fractals, tiny little ones, that grew as they rotated towards me, and finally took over my vision.

There was still smoke going down my lungs, I was still inhaling when this happened, and then I was propelled into another universe... I smoked six further pipes of DMT that night, the journeys were all very different, I will post more about these at a later date. However one of them stuck out in my mind, and it is the one I told everyone about for months after.

I was floating in blackness, but had a feeling of sensation, great speed, and then an outline only of a bright neon pink pyramid, a pyramid which I was "shown" by rotating 360 degrees around it, in perfect circles, like a 3D computer model, I can remember the shock of suddenly zooming forward towards where the wall of this black pink-outlined pyramid should be, and as I approached it, a neon line turns into a hatch way/entrance, and I am suddenly inside the pyramid, in a corridor, travelling down, and then I am on the bottom level, and I am meeting friendly elf-like beings.

I remember them being soothing, intelligent beings very easy to communicate with, we had a telepathic communication, and then without warning I was on the move again, being propelled through the corridors of the pyramid, a sudden left here, a sudden lift up to another level, and then swwwwsssshhhh stop, and another being, friendly still, but perhaps surprised to see me... and not so easy to communicate with at first... but I believe I had more of an in-depth communication with this entity.

The process happened again, I was propelled to another part of the pyramid, further in, further up, and then to another being, the further I went the faster/more chaotic it seemed, and the shorter time I seemed to spend with each being, to the point where I was meeting beings rapidly and the further I got in, the less friendlier SOME of them seemed.

I remember meeting some entities that were not very friendly at all, and I could not communicate with them, they were very alien, and a little scary... There were gangs of elves/imps, some funny/mischievous, some not so. But the journey was chaotic, and harder to remember /integrate at the top levels, and as the experience accelerated and got more chaotic, it carried on faster and faster, until I was literally blown out of the top of the pyramid on a bright white light/beam of energy... straight back into my body.

I did have some very long and deep communications, and some not so. This was on smoked DMT. It was an experience I will never forget.