81. My First DMT Breakthrough

My First DMT Breakthrough Experience "The Spirit Molecule" (N,N-Dimethyltryptamine)


Cg Kid

It felt like the whole universe like zoomed in on me, almost and I was like the center of attention for like, everything. And then the visuals were just like, I mean I've had a lot of insane visuals but even just the open eye visuals. It would be like things multiplying and just falling apart and liquids, everything lit liquefying and just I knew like this was it: Oh God, like what have I just done to myself. And so I remember laying back as fast as I could. I put the pipe on a wet rag to avoid burning myself and closing my eyes and the first thing that I remember happening was being in New York City in like the 20’s and I was laying on the side of the street and I was stuck there. And then I just remember all these blocks coming at me from all these different directions and they were like, very dark purple blocks. And there was just thousands, an infinite amount of them. I can't really quantify it, it just seemed like they stretched forever and they just kept stacking stacking stacking and I was climbing up against it.

And then the next thing I remember was being in this manufacturing plant. It was like this massive manufacturing operation that was like miles, freakin miles. I kid you not. There were these entities there and it's really hard to describe what they look like. I'll get into that in a bit but this whole manufacturing plant was these aliens, and they were excited to see me and they wanted to make me famous. I do not know why. They really wanted to make me famous and well-known across the universe. So the whole purpose of this manufacturing plant was to create celestial promotional gear for me that would like, have my name on it and they would show it to me and it would be like a poster that was like translucent in all these colors and just impossible to describe. Or like this device they put in front of me and it splits and then my name comes out in like a thousand different directions.

And these entities, it's really hard to describe what they look like. I've used angelic elves, like little elves with wings or tall elves. I've used that but really that doesn't do it justice because they were made of energy and there was more than one type of them. There was multiple different types. I remember one in particular was on the side of me and it looked like a bent up, it was like bent up against the wall and it had like a little head that slanted down and it was purple and it had eyes. So like, the entities were really really bizarre and hard to explain I just remember them being very excited to see me like, they've been watching me my whole life that my life was fake and that this that now I was in reality with them and that was all fake and I've used the analogy of like The Truman Show a lot. It really felt like I was on The Truman Show my whole life and when I met these aliens it was like I was meeting fans of the show and my life had really been a facade or a show. So this causes a deep state of worry and this is where I started getting terrified because it felt very out of my control. There was nothing I could do to control it. And I remember I didn't know I was human I didn't know I did a drug I didn't know what was going on. I just felt like I was responsible for what was going on and whatever I did I really fucked up this time. I remember that feeling like deep down to my core like this is it I need someone to find me take me into the hospital make this stop and I also had this worry of like getting caught because I knew whatever I caused was bad.

I knew I did something that was some didn't want to be caught doing and and it's miles long like who could miss this someone's gonna find me someone's gonna you know save me but they're also gonna you know condemn me. I remember this deep state of worry and dread and everything was super super confusing to me in that space. And these aliens all they wanted me to do was calm it down when I started to worry because the more I calmed down, the more stuff they could show me the more intense it would get but they recognized that a point that I wouldn't calm down and so they took me to this Amazonian, they didn't take me there, I just remember flashing to like this Amazon and it was like this jungle and there was a tent that was like a square and it was uh it was pretty tall. I mean it was a pretty massive tent but it was just like a full square with like some in the middle like sand in the middle and forest around it and I was like an observer and I had no body and no weight and I was like flying whizzing in and out of this tent and flying in and out of it and staying within it. And at that point I wasn't as worried. I felt a little more calm but I remember being in that area and realizing that all of the environment was conscious.

That's where I wasn't really seeing a particular entity but it was like the tent I was flying in and out of this consciousness. The sand was conscious, everything in the environment was conscious and everything was made of energy instead of matter. And there was like no separation from it, I was just a part of it and I was gliding through it. So I still was worried a bit you know as I should be you know but I was kind of in a trance at that point like. I didn't know I did a drug, I didn't know what to be worried about us kind of going with it but then I remember next thing was like going into a cave and this was a really well defined cave. This is where the visuals really took on a much more physical presence rather than just being energy and I remember a being like putting to what looked like very elongated Crown Royal bottles and they were like that they were stacked like that. And then it had really long pointy fingers and he was like circling him around in between these Crown Royal bottles. And it created like this river of light. And I just felt like the being was telepathically telling me to focus on what he was doing with his hands and with this river. And as I focused on it, like I started to feel a deep sense of peace and that's where like, me was completely taken out of the equation.

I didn't know like there was no me left. At that point it was like pure ego death or whatever you want to call it but I was just watching this thing and it felt like I was okay watching it forever and being there forever and I was okay with whatever was going on. I was just this observer, almost like I hate to say it but almost like a shell of a human just watching this and just like a human at the observer part and nothing else. There was no like thinking, there was no feeling, there was just being and then at some point of watching this thing which felt like forever. I mean this experience is five minutes but it felt like forever, I realized I had a body and I realized that eyes and then when I realized that eyes, I opened them and I like, just saw white noise. Like that's how intense the hallucinations were like I look over and I couldn't even see like my room it would just look like white noise on a television with colors, like I literally was

hallucinating that much. At that point I realized I did a drug and I didn't know what I did but I was like I really messed up this time and I'm gonna need to call for medical attention because I'd done it like this is it, this is the end I could not handle this, this was way too intense.

And then about 10 seconds after realizing I did a drug, I realized I did DMT and that this would all end within another minute or two because it's a very short acting drug and that's what I

felt like, a deep sense of relief and I felt very awestruck and very like to an extent captivated but also like, terrified of ever doing that again.