56. Return to the Source

Return to the source


I sit up and take 2 deep drags. After about 20 seconds my vision is shaking, and the unmistakable pre-flight buzz fills my head. I persist and take another drag, holding it as long as I can. I don’t recall breathing out, but am already flying at warp speed through a churning tunnel of energy. This is a lot faster than the changoo, and there are prisms and spheres hurtling through space and time towards me. I travel for what must be light years, further and further into the void. I come to an abrupt stop and seem to be suspended above a massive glowing energy source.

There are waves or pulses of energy being blasted out in all directions. I can see them and feel them, they make me resonate with joy and excitement. There's a low hum like a massive machine would make, but it's not loud, just impressive, like the sound the earth would make if it had an engine.

I am not sure what I am doing here, this is different from previous journeys, there are no entities, no hyperspatial circuses, just me and the energy source vibrating in unison in the middle of nothing. I can feel the energy building, or maybe I am building up energy. Whatever is happening it is exciting me at a molecular level.

I try to move towards the machine, but I’m pretty awful and directing myself or my trips. I just tend to go with the flow. I just seem to be hovering above it but I want to be in it, with it, I want to feel the pulsing energy as close to the source as possible. Whatever I am thinking seems to propel me towards it. I grow warmer, this is very reminiscent of mescaline, the warmth, the joy, the light. I’m basking in rays of pure unadulterated energy. I can manipulate it around my hands which are glowing blue from the energy waves. I feel changes in my inner workings, the blue glow is everywhere it’s in me I’m in it. It’s so pleasant. The energy is made up of billions of intricate lines pulsating and moving back and forth at such high speed that they almost seem like one.

I never fail to be impressed by the intricacies of the DMT-scape. Something so beautiful cannot possibly exist in our everyday world, or maybe it does, but we just don’t see it for what it is, and we have filters that need adjusting.

Out of nowhere the low hum becomes a loud rumble and everything seems to be shaking now. I see lines appear before me. They look artificial. I want the blue glow to make them go away. I close my eyes and when I open them I am back on my bed and I realise the lines were my ceiling.