3. This Was Insane

First DMT Experience - This Was Insane!


Published on 5 Jan 2018


As I started inhaling all these lines started striking across his face and it turned into a totem pole. I look to my left while I’m holding my second one and I see all these transparent spirals moving through the air.

This most insane feeling came across me that I am a star collapsing in on itself. It was shocking, I really felt like I was imploding in on myself.

The first thought came to me that I’m not ready for this. Luckily this thought came into my mind: Stay cool, stay calm, you knew it was going to be like this. just listen, just try and shut that out. Just listen to what’s being told to you.

So I closed my eyes and these entities came up to me. The only way I could describe it was like metallic smoke that had really sharp edges and still had this solid form and then they would shift. Their whole body would just change around and move like smoke or gas in the air and then take a totally new form.

These entities, they start saying some things that I can’t repeat on camera otherwise I’ll sound like a crazy man. It was just so profound and I think so factual that it just made a lot more sense than anything else has before. They start telling me these ultra deep secrets. And I feel this shift of awareness and I’m losing my sense of myself. And they’re taking me into a deeper and deeper place just by talking to me.

I remember coming out of a tunnel. I became white light forever and ever. It seemed I had zoomed out from everything, from all the galaxies. I kept zooming out and out and going in and in and in and eventually you get to this source which is white light. They told me this white light is this beam that is struck through inside the matrix. It showed me this white light was basically consciousness or a signal connecting me and all other lives past and present, parallels lives, lives that are nonphysical. It’s what I became on DMT and it’s where we all go when we die. I was gone for hundreds of billions of trillions of years and I could feel how long I was gone for.

And I started coming out if it. I realized I was living in a memory and everything was starting to break apart. My whole environment begins to crumble, break apart and starts transforming into something new and it still feels like I’m being watched by all the entities I’d come in contact with inside my mind. It feels like they’re all watching me and inside my neighbors, that they were telepathically communicating with me.