
Nurturing entities sometimes appear as humans

I look to my left and my entire vision is consumed by this girl’s face. And she’s very pale with very big eyes and with light purple hands. And she’s like: “Shhh.” And then she opens her hand and blows me a kiss and wipes everything away. And everything I was looking at was gone and there was just color. And it’s all pale and pastel. And I remember I’ve done DMT and wonder if I‘m coming back.

I’m standing in this in between space and there is this sliver, this window. It makes me think of a belly button when I look at it. And it’s really white.

And she asks me: “Do you want to know what love is?” And I felt like I was surrendering when I said yes.

And she said: “Do you want to feel what love is on all levels?” And I was like: “Yes”

And it feels like she just took her finger and flicked me. And I felt like I was falling down that belly button tunnel. As I'm falling through that light vessel my physical body is curled up in a ball and I feel like I’m plummeting. But I’m also feeling the most rich, all consuming love I’ve ever felt. My whole body is filling up with this energy. And it feels like every single one of my cells is having an orgasm, one after another. And I feel like I’m asking for a download into my heart.

DMT Trip Report - The Cosmic Orgasm / Bliss Trip

Now, this is where words can't even touch this what I've experienced: that object on which I sat immediately turned to giant gingerbread man. He was smiling, I didn't feel him as a threat or enemy, but rather someone who has best wishes for me. It was all made clear to me, gingerbread is some kind of those girl's guardian. What gingerbread man did then, was lifting up his hand and index finger, and pointing at me, he then spun me, and shot a stream of some symbols which were impossible to decode to any our language. The stream was, well… hypnotizing, so soothing and calm.

A stroll through the park

In front of me was a geometric being, balancing itself on a log. To better describe this entity, it was all black (but not dark at all) and seemed to be made of elementary geometric shapes. It's face was a perfect circle. It's eyes were half circles facing downwards. It's body, a rectangle. Even though it appeared to be made of such simple shapes, there was so much detail to it, or possibly rather, personality.

It did incredible gymnastic feats for me and would sometimes split itself in half and another, smaller version of itself would pop out.. This would sometimes happen several times, exposing many versions of itself, each with a happy look or vibe. It made me laugh in my head and also physically giggle. I wondered the significance of what I was seeing, and instantly the being stopped messing around. It approached me and began to stick it's arm into my shoulder and back, which I have injured many times. It filled my body with a substance that I can only describe as liquid light. So very warm. It had a look on it's face of compassion and deep concentration. I told it I didn't know what It was doing to me but I thanked it anyway, as I knew it was something good. Maybe a healing session!

Geometric beings and multiple carrier waves.

And it was from this grid-work structure. It was male, definitely, I know it was male. And it did have energy, as well, I know it had energy. Before, I looked at this grid-like structure from a distance, and I thought it was... not man-made, but could be man-made. But when I was inside it, it had energy like other people do. It was just really nurturing to me, so I suppose I relaxed, and was comforted by it, and trusted it. Then it carried on talking to me, saying, "I will heal you. 

Report #138 — entities

I could see ahead of me now, and it was blue colored fire. When I got to the fire, it didn't burn. It didn't hurt at all, in fact it was soothing. The fire created hands that held and nurtured me. It began to push me down, slowly push me down. I could feel myself sinking in something.

Report #24