84. Welcome To The Circus

Welcome To The Circus Dmt Trip Report


Mark Dreams Trip Reports

22 Jan 2019

And as I let it take me it started getting more, I don't say intense but it just started coming at me like all of a sudden. It's like my eyes are closed and then the distance is like seeing this, this colorful pattern, almost like the head of this shroom colorful pattern but it's like that's in my vision but all the way back and it just starts expanding, expanding expanding and then the whole feeling of that dimension expands and I go from, like I said I like I said before, a lot of my other DMT trips, I went from vibrating to feel like water to feeling like nothing to having no feeling in my body whatsoever.

So, as I'm going through this dimension right, I'm going through this tunnel and it wasn't even really a tunnel. It wasn't really a vortex per se, but it was just all of a sudden, flash, I'm just flying through this, I'm flying through this dimension, this colorful space dimension. And all of a sudden it puts me in this place where it's like I feel like this dimension or the beings or somebody, something in that dimension was the creator, mother ayahuasca, whoever, was testing me in some way, Because as I was going through this, I get to a place in this dimension where it's like there's different rooms in front of me. Okay, so it was almost like I'm in space and there's all these different rooms. And there's around there's like, five rooms to left, five rooms a little more to left, but a little up more and then there's like five rooms up forward, five rooms this way, five rooms that way, and whatever, so forth or so on.

Now it was almost like for a second there, right then when I realized that I was in this place in a snap, I was just boom, I felt like I was the creator's thoughts in a way like I was... I don't want to say God but what else can you say? The singularity, it, the whole universe, the spirit consciousness of the universe? I felt like I was everything and I thought they were testing me, so first they would test me in this way.

They wanted to test me to see how many minds I can handle. I guess how many people I can handle being at one time, so it was like all of a sudden as I remembered I told you about these rooms right, so I was, I'm like the higher being looking at all these rooms okay. And then all of a sudden I'm just, I look over there and I become the beings that were in this room. So it was like, if there was five human minds in this room over here, I was those five human minds at the same time. Then it became the five minds in this room, then I became the five human minds in this room and I became the five human minds in this room and it became the five human minds in this room.

And as that went on, it went up for me being like one mind, to two minds, to five miles, to ten minds, to twenty, to thirty to, forty to fifty. So once I got to being about fifty to a hundred people and it was like I was fifty to a hundred people's different thoughts and like I what I was their whole thing like their whole consciousness was me so I was all of these consciousnesses. And some of them were females, some of them were males and I could tell there were different consciousnesses because there were different voices, there were different thoughts. It wasn't my voice they were speaking with. If I went to this room it was like, if I look towards this room it was somebody else's voice. I looked towards this room was another voice.

So as I was going through and I'm just trying to keep up with all these thoughts and all these things I'm just blasting over this way, blasting over to this part, blasting over this part, over this part, over this part, of this part, of this part, of this but and it just got so overwhelming that I started freaking out in my head because it because I just kept adding more Minds in a way and just kept adding more people or I don't know call them people people's minds or whatever consciousness is and it to me before I give in more detail to me. This is all because God the Creator. If the Creator is real and I believe he is, but the Creator is all of us, we are all the Creator separated, he split himself up he or she or it split himself up into billions of people, the billion people that we are today.

So imagine if you could be a billion people at the same time. That's what God probably thinks and feels like at all times. He's all of us so I feel like that's what they were testing me on in a way testing me on trying to see if I can handle this and I realized at that point when it was starting, it was really overwhelming, I realized that I might not, I don't wanna say know as much as I think I know but as much as I know if I know any more than anybody else. And I'm not saying I do I'm just you know chill nightmares knowing that you don't know a damn thing but right then and there is when I realized I am NOT ready, no matter how ready I thought I am to be a creator in training or I don't even know and a higher being. I'm nowhere near ready because that experience started to get really overwhelming listening to people's thoughts. I was just everywhere, I was everywhere. I couldn't take it anymore.

When I realized I couldn't take it I wanted to scream. I just couldn't take it and then I'm just like oh my god I'm gonna go insane but I'm going Sam what is going on? I can't keep up I can't keep up and then boom it was like they jumped me into another reality, like I just got dropped through a door through a trapdoor of some sort. And it was like all of a sudden I was no longer the Creator thoughts, no longer the Creator anymore. I could tell that I was me again. That I was like just the one consciousness that I am right now and at that point I realized where I was okay. So it was like it was like I got dropped into the circus in a way but it wasn't a normal circus obviously. I see a circus because the environment of this place reminded me of the circus and there was this guy there, this being okay, this being was there and he was around singing. Um, just kind of dancing around this place. (But I'm gonna clip in this clip that I have of this other video, this video that I recorded that day of this trip and I recorded from memory purposes but this was before the new equipment and stuff.)

This guy was like a clownish guy, like a ringleader. He's reminded me of a ringleader in a frickin circus and he was just running around and just dancing and singing and he just kept repeating it but I was, I was playing this theta frequency at the time but he was making music with that frequency, he was putting music on top of the frequency and adding different strings and different weird instruments and drums. And just spinning around and he was spinning the whole universe with him. He was going around me but then he was on this like this tricycle but it reminded me of this circus.

I was in a circus but there was nobody else but us, but me and him. And then I was in and one thing I forgot to mention is that the room that we were in was rectangular. It was a rectangle room, so it was like a long narrow rectangle room. Then he would spin around me. You go around me and it was almost like he was on a tricycle or some type of car, some type of machine or something. And as he was spinning around, he was creating the fibonacci sequence like a vortex around us, around as he was spinning the whole thing. The middle of the room was becoming like a vortex like whatever, is sort of forming into it and then as he was singing that in my head. I'm thinking, okay whatever, so I'm just gonna I'm gonna just do what he's doing maybe that's what he wants me to do so then I started singing with him and we were both just singing. It was just insanely crazy.

And as that was going on I totally forgot normalness. What the fuck is being normal. What is being human? It's not like I didn't know what was being human it's that at that moment in time. That's what I was, so that's what I was, I was a light being or something seen with this other light beam ring leader jester type guy and we were just singing and I guess creating a vortex in the floor. I don't know that's what it seemed like to me but he was just having fun and I was also playing frequency the whole time.

Okay so the whole time I put frequency on and on the speaker and I was just playing the whole time while me and nature were smoking DMT. So this dude was just adding music to it and he was like adding instruments on top of instruments on top of instruments that like beautiful instruments that I can' even explain but they were like, I can explain kind of what they sounded like almost like a violin and strings and guitar and piano and all these things but they were a lot more crisp and more beautiful than a guitar or crisper more beautiful than a piano or more beautiful than Vince than an orchestra. It was the instruments themselves were on a different level of beautiful like the sound of it. So he was just adding these on like he was making a beat to the frequency like the 432 frequency was the main sound of the beat and he just kept adding things to it. And as he was singing, oh my shot that's going around and it would just add more instruments and it was just amazing and beautiful and then and then I started to fade out of that dimension, you know. It started just falling away from me and then I'm just laying on the bed and I'd get up dude and I was tripping so hard because nature said something to me. So I get up and I try to look at him but as I try to look at him I'm just like and but I was looking at him. It was like I could only see his face, his head. I could see his head and besides the head everything else around him was about as colorful and crazy as this shirt is and like those geometric patterns everywhere and everything. And I just the only thing that was very vivid to me was just his face and asking the same and I remember telling him like well I don't even know this is real right now so like, just give me like five more minutes and we can talk about whatever. Then I just kind of laid back and just let it wear off but that right there was my encounter with the ringleader of the DMT circus I guess. And then before that I was the creator's thoughts being tested to see if I was ready for something.