
Hybrid Entities appeared in various forms. Some were combinations of different animals, part human, part animal, and some a mixture of animal and symbols. They behaved in very different ways; some were guardians that dismembered those who passed, others lived in space habitats and wanted to be left alone, casting visitors away. Others were oblivious to the presence of visitors while they basked in light while other Hybrids were beautiful divine beings who were open to conversations.

Next, I found myself leaving the tunnels and passing through an entrance as to some sort of cavern. The entrance was guarded on either side by these statuesque looking creatures which appeared to be half monkey and half wolf

As I passed them, my limbs were torn from my body by these creatures. Funnily, this didn't seem to bother me. I felt no pain nor fear. 

Spiritual Encounter With the Ball Of Light


His face however was very strange. Head roughly the size of and shape of a horse’s they had one or two roughly human eyes but the bottom of the head was a mass of writhing or melting tentacles. If he had been more human like I would say these tentacles would be his mouth and nose as they began below his eyes and hung to mid chest.

At the Table of the Red Tribe


I’m just being pulled through this and by the time I get to the end of this room, this giant head of this being comes out. It felt like it was feminine but but it was like half person half snake being. 

My DMT Experience - Entities, Inner Worlds, Awe, Fear, Ego Death, and Realizations


Some of these entities looked like half man, half antelope. Others had crazy hair and small thick horns growing like a crown on their head. Others were just made of shapes and consisted of one solid colour. They tucked into crevices and doors in quite a hurry. 

The room was absolutely filled with entities. It seemed to be a hallway or conduit that led them to various places. I felt very strongly that these entities were going to places in hyperspace where other travellers were, in order to help or heal them in some way. All these beings were very positive and had wonderful intentions.

Geometric beings and multiple carrier waves.


I looked up and saw a teenage girl with a pig's face, wearing a full space suit. She was soon joined by her father (also pig faced) who said something along the lines of " oh not another one of these. Where do they keep coming from?" The girl seemed fascinated by me and smiled at me. The father then picked me up with his index finger and thumb and tossed me back into space.

crash landing in deep space asteroid suburbs


Again I spotted a ‘door’ this time purple and reaching up touched it and I was in space...... here I met some other beings… This was most strange... the beings were a cross between lizards and birds having beaks but no feathers and completely green. Although I couldn’t see all of the beings' bodies, because they were wearing purple cloaks and sat in large floating chairs. These beings were ‘basking’ in the light...

Report #293 — entities


My awareness then shifted back to the top of the vision where I perceived a winged entity. again the wings weren't flapping but in a perpetually transforming yet static state. My first thought was a very fat bat, but there was also a nautilus, roly-poly pill bug quality to it. 

First Impressions


And that’s when from the back of whatever I was at the time I could see almost a sunset rising, so I turn around and that’s when the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen, this shining glowing vibrantly glowing, so bright the most complex entity I’ve ever seen in my life. And he was like this lizard god, made out of a lizard and a snake and a bird. In the middle of his body was made out of Metatron’s cube and like the yin yang symbols for his thighs and symbols everywhere. Incredible patterns all over his skin everywhere and they were glowing, radiating the most vibrant light of many colors. And he looked at me and he was like: “You have no idea where you are, do you?”  And I’m like: “No.” And he is like: “Welcome to the 10th dimension where anything and everything is possible.” We had like a 5 minute conversation.

DMT Story #2 Breakthrough
