83. DMT: The Alien Maxtrix

DMT: The Alien Maxtrix (Trip Report)


15 Aug 2019

Icarus FourEightOh

And all of a sudden this giant wall of like, alien language began to manifest. The music then faded and all I could hear was like bleeps and bloops. And as I'm in this place of these weird, it was like, almost half Arabic half, alien language, flashing this red blue and green color. And they were all on these like, walls of dimensions that kept like moving and folding and pushing through.

So this goes on for god knows how long and I'm just lost in all this weird data like the alien matrix pouring in front of my face. And it kind of starts this little energy orb, it started like a period and then it just kind of grew and grew and grew and grew into this giant like plasma energy, kind of like a Sun flashing all these colors and that alien language is still just moving around it.

So if you think of a Sun you know like you know a sun. Those rays were these tiny little people all holding weird tiny like, normal geometric patterns like an octagon, hexagon, pentagon, triangles, circle, rectangle. And it's they just kept around this little energy thing, kept going, kept going kept, going and everything kept spiraling, spiraling and spiraling until this sound wave hit me: Boom!

I just started to hear that flute music again. I pulled myself up and realized holy fuck I'm back. Okay what the fuck? So I just kind of sat up and like, looked around the room and I see Patrick deep in a trance just meditating eyes closed so I kind of took a hit from there. I'm like, I'm gonna connect with the energy. It was just these rays like sunshine hitting mean, cosmic energy, downloaded, plugged in sharing vibrations incredible.

So I smoked the DMT and I started looking at that part of the wall right there and all of a sudden like it opened up to all these like shapes and patterns and colors that started spilling out at me and spinning around and stuff like that.