FMJD Full Council meeting Protocol number 03/04/2023

FMJD Full Council meeting
Protocol number 03/04/2023
Zoom meet, April 03, 2023.

At 20:00, with the presence of Jacek Pawlicki President, Richard Przewozniak Vice-
President, International Relations, Roberts Misans General Secretary, Aare Harak

Treasurer, Clifton Agata, Tournament Director, President PanAmerican Confederation, Carlo
Bordini, President European Confederation (because of other important duties, just at the
beginning) , Jean Marc Ndjofang Chairman of Players Committee, Vitalia Doumesh FMJD
Office manager

Agenda 03.04.2023

List of Full Council decisions 03/04/2023
Full Council Decisions April 3d 2023