IDF pasaules kausa posms 64 lauciņu dambretē Portugāle 2021

No 20. līdz 27. novembrim Albufeirā Portugālē norisinājās IDF pasaules kausa posms 64 lauciņu dambretē Portugāle 2021.

27. novembrī noslēdzās turnīrs klasikā krievu dambretē.

27-11-2021 The classic program of the international competition “Portugal-2021” – stage of the World Cup 2021 in draughts-64, has completed.

Competitions were held in Russian draughts according to a system of micro-match from two games with a draw of starting moves and positions according to the official table with a time control of 20’+10″ for each participant until the end of the game.

The competitions were attended by 27 athletes from 7 countries.

Classic program winners were:

1.Georgy Taranin

2.Dmitry Melnikov

3.Yuri Kirillov

Winners of the classic program for women:

1.Svetlana Streltsova

2.Polina Petrova

3.Anna Filipenko

Final standing

23. novembrī norisinājās turnīrs brazīļu dambretē ātrspēlē.

23-11-2021 The Blitz program of the international competition “Portugal-2021” – stage of the World Cup 2021 in draughts-64, has completed.

Competitions were held in Brazilian draughts according to a system of micro-match from two games with a drawing of starting moves and positions according to the official table with a time control 5’+3″ for each participant until the end of the game.

The competition was attended by 26 players from 7 countries.

Blitz program winners were:

1.Georgii Taranin

2.Yuri Kirillov

3.Dmitrii Melnikov

Final protocol

22.novembrī norisinājās turnīrs portugaļu dambretē.

22-11-2021 The rapid program of the international competition “Portugal-2021” – stage of the World Cup 2021 in draughts-64, has completed.

The competition was attended by 27 players from 7 countries. The winners of the rapid program in Portuguese draughts, as expected, were the strongest Portuguese players:

Tiago Manuel

Nuno Vieira

Manuel Cunha

Final protocol

21. novembrī norisinājās tradicionālais mačs portugāļu dambretē: Portugāles izlase pret Pasaules izlasi. Ar 13:11 uzvarēja Portugāles izlase.

21-11-2021 In the city of Albufeira (Portugal), the international competition “Portugal-2021” has started, which has the status of a stage of the 2021 World Cup in draughts-64.

Albufeira is a city and seaport in the south of Portugal in the Algarve province. It has repeatedly hosted international tournaments in draughts-100 and draughts-64.

The competition traditionally began with a match between the national team of Portugal and the team of the world. The match was played on 12 boards. The participants played 2 games with each other in classic Portuguese draughts with a time control of 45 minutes for all 2 games. National grandmasters, multiple champions of Portugal, prize winners of the World Cup stages in Portuguese draughts Tiago Manuel and Nuno Viera played for the Portuguese team. International grandmasters Dmitrii Melnikov (Russia) and Yuri Kirillov (Israel), international masters Dmitry Ganopolsky (Israel), Georgii Taranin (Russia) and other famous athletes played for the world team.

The game on 11 boards ended with a draw at 11:11. The fate of the match was decided in a prolonged match on the first board between Dmitrii Melnikov and Tiago Manuel. The victory of Tiago Manuel over Dmitrii Melnikov in the last game brought victory to the Portuguese team, which won the match with a score of 13:11.

Full Board Results