Igaunijas Dambretes federācija izvirza Janeku Mēgiju kā kandidātu pretendentu uz FMJD prezidenta amatu uz otro termiņu


Igaunijas Dambretes federācija 21.martā izvirzīja pašreizējo Pasaules Dambretes federācijas  (FMJD) prezidentu Janek Mäggi un pašreizējo aktīvu pārvaldnieku Aare Haraks kā kandidātus uz otro termiņu. Vēlēšanas notiks FMJD ģenerāļalā asamblejā 3. jūlijā Tallinā, vienlaikus ar pasaules čempionātu 100 lauciņu dambretē Tallinā.

Janek Mäggi 

Aare Harak

Press release

March 21, 2021

The Estonian Draughts Association nominated Janek Mäggi as the candidate for the

president of FMJD for a second term.

Today, the Estonian Draughts Association nominated both the current President of the

World Draughts Federation (FMJD) Janek Mäggi, and the current asset manager Aare

Harak as candidates for the second term. The elections will take place at the FMJD general

meeting on July 3 in Tallinn, at the same time as the World Draughts Championships in


“The last year has been extremely difficult for all of us,” said Tarmo Tulva, President of the

Estonian Draughts Association. “First of all, our health has been in danger. However, the

competition calendar has suffered greatly. The competitions have been canceled or

postponed for reasons beyond our control. However, I hope that the world’s top figures in

draughts – both players and organizers – will meet again in Tallinn, at the World

Championships from June 28 to July 15 and at the FMJD general meeting, the honor of the

organization of which this time belongs to the Estonian Draughts Association. ”

“I really hope that we can organize title competitions in Tallinn at a difficult time, we have

made a lot of preparations for that, and our sponsors have supported us sympathetically,”

said Tarmo Tulva. “From 2007 to 2017, when today’s FMJD President Janek Mäggi was the

President of the European Draughts Federation, Estonia has had the honor of hosting the

EDC head office located at 29 Vene Street in Tallinn. And from 2017 of hosting the FMJD

headquarters in the same place.”

“The Estonian Draughts Association is ready to haul the world’s draughts chariot for another

four years if colleagues from 84 countries authorize our representatives in Tallinn on July 3,”

said Tarmo Tulva. “The Estonian Draughts Association will nominate Janek Mäggi, the

former President of FMJD, as the candidate for the President of the FMJD and Aare Harak,

the former FMJD Asset Manager, as the FMJD Asset Manager, at the general meeting to be

held in Tallinn on July 3.”

“We believe that Janek Mäggi and Aare Harak have done their best to promote world

draughts life and keep it going in today’s difficult circumstances,” said Tarmo Tulva. “Both

candidates have confirmed to the Estonian Draughts Association that they are ready to

dedicate their strength and energy to the work of the FMJD, if the general meeting gives

them the authority to do so. On behalf of the Estonian Draughts Association, I confirm that

the Estonian Federation is ready to fully support the work of the FMJD head office in


The World Draughts Federation (FMJD, www.fmjd.org) was founded in 1947 by the

draughts federations ofFrance, the Netherlands, Belgium and Switzerland. Its main purpose

was to regulate competition at the World Championships. Since 1897, only France and the

Netherlands have declared world champions, which in many other countries has led to a

desire for fairer competition and the organization of competitions, and has given impetus to

the creation of an international organization. Today, the FMJD has grown into an alliance of

84 federations. The President of the World Draughts Federation is Janek Mäggi and the

head office is in Tallinn.

FMJDst is a member of SportAccord, which brings together all internationally recognized

sports. FMJD membership in SportAccord is part of a more general integration trend that

seeks to move mental sports to alongside other sports.

The Estonian Draughts Association is an umbrella organization uniting Estonian draughts

clubs, which is also a member of the Estonian Olympic Committee. EDA is also a member of

the World Draughts Federation and a founding member of the European Draughts

Confederation (EDC). 15 member clubs of the Estonian Draughts Association.

Additional information:

Tarmo Tulva, President of the Estonian Draughts Federation , Member of the Board of the

European Draughts Confederation (EDC)

E-mail: tarmo@tulva.eu, tel: +3725042024

Info: https://www.fmjd.org/