Eiropas Dambretes federācijas protokols 001/2022

Info: europedraughts.org


Eiropas Dambretes federācijas sanāksme norisinājās 2021.gada  22.decembrī, bet protokols tika nopublicēts tikai 2022.gada 10.februārī.

EDF ir arī kopš 16.novembra oficiāli rēģistrēta Itālijā un ir savs nodokļu numurs.:


Dear Friends,

it’s a great pleasure tu announce that finally the European Draughts Confederation is officially recognized and with a tax code.

From 16th November, 2021, after official recognition by the Italian agency, we can finally say that EDC really exists as a body.

The next step will be the opening of an own bank account.

Carlo A. Bordini – President EDC

European Draughts Confederation

EDC Protocol Number: 001/2022/ Deeds

Date: 12th January, 2022

Executive Board Meeting n. 9 – 2021 of the Executive Board elected on 03.08.2019

Zoom Meetings, December 22, 2021.

At 17.40, with the presence of Carlo A. Bordini (EDC President – ITA), Johan Demasure (Vice President Vicary- BEL),

Tarmo Tulva (EST), Uladzislau Splendzer (BLR), elected as members of EDC Board, Rik Keurentjes (Trainer member

of EDC Athletes and Trainer Committee), Tamara Tansikkuzhina, the EDC Executive Board started working with

the following


1. Opening speech by the President (GA 2021, Official Registration of EDC new Statute and tax code, covid situation, ecc.)

2. European Championships 2022

2.1 European Championships Open and Women, Rapid, Blitz

2.2 European Championships Youth

2.3 European Championships Under 27 (Italy, Bergamo?)

2.4 European Championship Veterans (Italy, Bergamo?)

2.5 European Youth Cup on-line (if any)

3. Annual Fee of EDC Federation

4. Renewed Athletes and Trainers Commission

5. Other various and possible evaluations

In the opening speech, the EDC President thanked the participants and summarized about the EDC officially

recognition and the tax code obtained by the Italian Agency on 16th November, which finally made EDC as an

official body. The EDC has been capable to organize many championships, in safe, thanks to the work of

everybody. The Championships of Teams, Blitz and Rapid, Youth Under 27, Veterans, male and female, were

organized and for Youth under 18 also this year there have been held the online cups. Without forget the General

Assembly and nine Executive Board Meeting. So there are reasons to be happy about the amazing work done,

despite Covid. Anyway the new rising wave of covid spread in Europe makes new difficulties to plan events and


Then point 2. European Championships 2022 were examined.

First point faced the 2.1 European Championships Open and Women, Rapid, Blitz.

About Blitz and Rapids Rik Keurentjes informed there could be interest in organizing them by Hijken DTC, in

October, maybe close to the Damweek Hijken. Tamara Tansikkuzhina asked to consider to alter the EC Blitz and

Rapids by adding a team classification to the final standings, resulting in a knock-out system between the national

teams based on the standing. This would make the importance of team results in these championships higher.

But since it would mean a longer tournament, the idea could probably only be considered at first for blitz.

For what concerns the EC Open and Women, the members of the Board will verify possible available organizers.

About 2.2 European Championship Youth, it will be held, as usual, from 1st to 8th August, 2022, in a place not yet

determined. Considering that none reactions has reached the Board, after the call for the proposals, obviously

also because of covid, the Board will consider to split the 8 groups in two parts: Hopes and Minicadets, boys and

girls, and Cadets and Juniors, boys and girls. The Board also acknowledged that the first player for free is too much

for the organizer and agreed that the third one free of each group per each federations, as in the recent WC Youth,

can be a good way towards the organizers. Contact with organizers will follow directly by President or DT of Youth

and other members of the Board to verify possible venue. Unfortunately, in many Countries, the good period of

August, without school, gets a high season price.

The Board confirmed the idea to hold a problemist solution championships for children, about 2 hours, during the

EC Youth, with medals and diplomas.

About 2.3 European Championships Under 27, the Board agreed to get them apart from the ECs Youth, and they

could be held in Italy, e.g. in Bergamo.

About 2.4 European Championship Veterans, scheduled in October or November, there could be the possibility

to hold it in Italy, as well, together with the ECs Under27 if possible.

Then point 3. Annual Fee of EDC Federation was discussed. The Minutes of EDC General assembly were sent to

the FMJD but without any reaction about the request of forwarding a part of the FMJD annual fees to the

Continental confederation. The President EDC will write officially to the President FMJD to ask a reply about that.

But in the meanwhile the Board defined an EDC Annual fee of 50,00 € per federation per year.

Then the point 4. Renewed Athletes and Trainers Commission was discussed and the Board, taking the input of

GA agreed to renew the Athletes and Trainers Commission, confirmed Rik Keurentjes as trainer member with

Guntis Valneris (LAT) and Tamara Tansikkuzhina (RUS) as player representatives.

Nothing to discuss about the point 5. Other various and possible evaluations.

At the 19.15, since there was nothing else to discuss, the President thanked the participants for their time, and

after sending all the best wishes for the holidays and the new year, closed the EB Meeting.

The President of the EDC Board

Carlo A. Bordini