Pašreizējie IDF 2021.gada pasaules kausa rezultāti un turpmākās sacensības

The 2021 World Cup in draughts-64 has started. This year 6 stages are planned in Turkey, Bulgaria, France, Portugal, Jamaica and Israel. Within the framework of the World Cup, competitions in the disciplines of Russian, Brazilian, Portuguese draughts, draughts -100 and pool checkers will be held at various stages.

Regulations on the 2021 World Cup in draughts-64 published HERE

The 1st stage of the 2021 World Cup was the International Competition “Turkey-2021”, which was held at a high level in Kemer (Turkey) from 23 to 29 April 2021.

Competitions were held in three types of draughts – Russian, Brazilian and draughts-100, in which 37 players from 9 countries took part. The prize fund of the 1st stage was 2000 euros.

After the 1st stage, the leaders  in the 2021 World Cup are:


Misans Roberts (LVA) 138 points (according to additional criteria – two higher places in the disciplines)

Shchukin Roman (RUS) 138 points

Melnikov Dmitry (RUS) 134 points


Nereda Marija Magdalena (LVA) 72 points

Chesnokova Maria (BLR) 60 points

Streltsova Svetlana (RUS) 52 points

The standings in the 2021 World Cup in draughts-64 after the 1st stage published HERE

The 2nd stage – International competition “Bulgaria-2021”, will be held in Kranevo (Bulgaria) from August 21 to 27, 2021 together with all the events planned in 2021 in Bulgaria:

Personal-team World Youth Championship, August 20 – 31;

World Championship among students, August 20 – 31;

World Championship among veterans, August 20 – 31:

men – 1961 year old and older (60+), 1971-1962 year old (50+), women – 1971 year old and older (50+);

Seminar for arbiters with the issuance of certificates and a new Draughts-64 Сode, 20 – 31 August;

Reporting IDF General Assembly, 23 August;

World Youth Team Championship. Boys and girls, 23 August;

World Team Championship. Men, women, August 24-30.

Regulations of the competitions will be published shortly.