FMJD valdes online sēde 31.03.2021

31.martā notika FMJD valdes online mītiņš.

Īsumā galvenie lēmumi:

1. Sieviešu titula mačs notiks no 23.aprīļā līdz 3.maijam. Cerams, ka epidemioloģiskā situācija nepasliktināsies. Par vīriešu maču 2021.gada rudenī FMJD komisija vēl nav sagatavojusi atbildi Latvijas Dambretes federācijai. Tas ir saistīts ar LDF protestu FMJD, ka neizvēlējās Gunti Valneri, bet izvēlējās maču pārcelt uz rudeni.

2.Pasaules čmepionāts notiks Tallinā no 28.jūnija līdz  15. jūlijam. Galvenais sponsors – Tallinas pilsēta. Dambretes federācijām lūgums iesniegt kandidātu sarakstu spēlēm pasaules čempionātā atbilstoši kvotām. Pēc 10.maija vairs sarakstus mainīt nevarēs, bet spēlētāji atteikušos spēlētāju vietā tiks izvēlēti atbilstoši FMJD reitingam.

3.Nākošā FMJD Ģenerālā asambleja notiks 3.jūlijā Tallinā pasaules čempionāta laikā. Federācija, kas nepiedalīsies asamblejā, var nodot savu balsošanas mandātu citai federācijai.

4.Tā kā FMJD ir vispasaules antidopinga aģentūras WADA biedrs, tad tai ir saistoši WADA lēmumi, arī par Krievijas sportistu liegšanu parstāvēt savu valsti lielākajās sacensībās, bet startēšanu zem neitrālas valsts karoga (RUSADA). FMJD nosūta vēstuli WADA ar lūgumu mīkstināt šīs sankcijas attiecībā pret dambreti.

5.FMJD online sekcija izstrādā noteikumus un reitingu sistēmu online turnīriem, slēdz sadarbību ar lidraughts platformu, kuras īpašnieks ir Stefans Šermans, lai pielāgotu šo platformu FMJD turnīriem, kā arī veido antiprogrammu izmantošanas sistēmu, kuras vadītājs ir Ivans Antoņenko no Ukrainas. FMJD online sekcijas mājaslapa tiks tulkota 4 valodās.

6.Pasaules čempionāts 100 lauciņos rapidā un ātrspēlē visticamāk notiks Turcijā 2021.gada septembrī.


Short report of online meeting of the FMJD Council,

31 March 2021

Short report of FMJD Council online meeting (31.03.2021)

Present: President Janek Mäggi, Director International Relations Harry Otten,

General Secretary Yuriy Chertok, Treasurer Aare Harak, Tournament Director

Youth Daniele Macali, President of European Confederation Carlo Bordini, FMJD

representative on WADA issues Dr. Renato Capurro, Players Committee

representative Jean Marc Ndjofang, President of Online Section Aleksander

Kandaurov (participated in the discussion of point 5).

During the meeting, the following questions were discussed:

1) The World Title Matches

Women’s Match in Warsaw (April 23rd – May 3rd, 2021)

Preparations of the Polish Draughts federation for the match are being carried out in

close collaboration with the Tournament Director Youth and the General Secretary

and by now almost everything is ready. Due to the nationwide increase in Covid-19

cases, the tighter restrictions have been imposed in Poland that will remain in place

till at least mid April. Hopefully, the epidemiological situation in Poland will

improve and the match will be organized within the due dates. Otherwise, it will be

necessary to postpone the event.

Men’s Match (autumn 2021) – at the time of the meeting, the commission created

at the request of the Latvian Draughts Federation had not yet completed its work.

The commission’s opinion will be published separately.

2) The World Championships in Tallinn (June 28th -July 15th)

The main sponsor of the event is the city government of Tallinn. The event will be

organized in compliance with COVID-19 preventive measures, agreed with the

Estonian Olympic Committee. An invitation giving short overview of the safety

requirements will be sent out to players (these requirements might change: PCR

tests-one in home country, one upon arrival; first 24 hours stay in hotel; health and

travel insurance, no spectators allowed etc.) with links to state authorities. In case

some countries inoculate sportsmen travelling abroad, special letters confirming their

participation in the Championship might be provided. Restrictions in Estonia remain

in force until the 25th of April. Then the final decision on conducting the World

Championships will be communicated to the federations.

Qualification for the World Championship. Because of the pandemic and the

impossibility for some confederations to conduct selection for the World

Championship 2021, the Council requests the confederations to form the lists of

their proposed players for the World Championships in accordance with the quotas

Short report of online meeting of the FMJD Council,

31 March 2021

specified in FMJD Annexes in order to give the players an opportunity to participate

in the event. The proposed player lists are to be sent to the FMJD office by


st of May. The list of participants may be changed until May 10th, 2021. After that

date, if a player is not able to participate in the championship, his place will be

reassigned according to the FMJD Global List.

3) The next General Assembly (July 3rd, 2021)

The next FMJD General Assembly will take place in Tallinn, Estonia on July 3rd,

2021, during the World Championship. The FMJD General Assembly

announcement was sent to the federations and published at the FMJD website. It

contains the concept agenda and some additional information concerning the

elections. Proposals for adding points to the agenda may be made until May 21,


Voting rights: Candidates for functions in the Council may be proposed no later

than 1 month prior to the General Assembly by federations that have satisfied all

their financial obligations toward FMJD. A federation that cannot participate in the

Assembly may give mandate to another member federation of the FMJD.

According to article 21, paragraph 21.2 of FMJD Statutes, «a delegate may

represent 1 (one) more Member that has given his voting rights in an official letter

to the delegate. The original letter needs to be presented to the council before the

meeting starts».

4) FMJD and WADA relationships

Regarding the implementation of the Arbitral Award CAS 2020/O/6689 World

Anti-Doping Agency v. Russian Anti-Doping Agency the FMJD is ready to follow

the WADA instructions and prescriptions; nevertheless, the FMJD Council does

not find this decision appropriate. The Russian players have nothing to do with

doping and with RUSADA. Moreover, doping issues cannot be treated the same

way when it comes to mind sport federations as it is done in the context of big

physical sport federations. Therefore, the Council decided to address WADA

higher-level authorities and ask to ease the sanctions and to make doping control

stipulations more reasonable for the draughts sport.

Dr. Renato Capurro works closely with Laetitia Zumbrunnen, WADA’s Senior

Manager, in order to settle the questions connected with WADA.

5) Online Section FMJD

A. Kandaurov reported on the work performed during the last 3 months:

– Online Draughts Regulations has been drawn up and sent to the Technical

Committee. The Regulations shall apply to all variants of draughts and different

Short report of online meeting of the FMJD Council,

31 March 2021

modes of play. It is proposed to create a working commission to continue work on

the Regulations.

– Contacts with Lidraugths were established in December 2020. Stefan

Schermann, the owner of Lidraugths is looking forward to closer cooperation with

FMJD Online Section. A plan of modernizing the platform has been developed,

which could help FMJD ensure conduct of online tournaments in all draughts

variants while applying the FMJD rules, and user-friendly, automatized system for

organization of these events. The sum of 7,400 euros is needed to implement the

project. A. Kandaurov will negotiate on this issue with the potential sponsor and

inform the Council of the conditions and possibilities, after which the final

decision will be taken.

– The anti-cheating measures. The anti-cheating system will be integrated into

Lidraugths platform. It is also proposed to create the Fair Play Committee that

would be led by Ivan Antonenko, Ukraine. This committee might have top

grandmasters as its members and cooperate with the Ethical Committee.

– Online Section plans to organize Online World Cup 2021 in Brazilian

Draughts in 2021. The invitation letters have been sent to different national

federations and the regulations are published on the FMJD website. Official

national federations are welcome to participate in the tournament.

– Other plans of FMJD Online Section:

– Organize training of arbiters to work with Draughts Arbiter program as

mainstream of FMJD standard for online tournaments.

– Calculate special online rating for official tournaments blitz & rapid (to be

discussed with the Technical committee).

– Involve some volunteers to work on 100 game support.

– Finish online language support (4 languages) –

– Launch online tournament’s livestreams on YouTube. Lidraughts platform has

built-in features for this.

6) World Championships in blitz and rapid – 100

The members of the Council admit the necessity to conduct the World

Championships in Blitz and Rapid. Turkey has been considered as a possible venue

for the competitions, but as it is still difficult for many players to travel because of

the restrictions, therefore the Championships in blitz and rapid will most likely be

conducted in September 2021.