Ko par Aleksandra Getmanska prasībām saka Ruls Bomstra


Autors: Ivans Trofimovs

Info: http://64-100.com/

Ruls Bomstra norāda, viņš bija ļoti gatavojies mačam par pasaules čempiona titulu, tērējis naudu, lai sagatavotos mačam, ka gatavs bija spēlēt arī ar Gunti Valneri, bet FMJD esot visu atcēlusi un viņš neesot saņēmis nekādu naudas balvu. Tāpēc situācija ir ļoti sarežģīta un maču viņš gribēja un grib spēlēt.

I ask Roel Boomstra:

Hi Roel! Who should have rights to match 2022? And why?

This is Roel’s answer:

Hi Ivan, I think the match situation is very complicated. I really can understand that Alexander Getmanski is fighting for his rights to play the match.

All I can say is that I was ready to play the 2020 match before this WCH and I think it was possible (for instance with Valneris) but FMJD decided otherwise.

Now, after the GA’s decision to cancel the match in the fall of 2021, it is a very difficult situation. Many players (Georgiev, Getmanski, me) can claim to have the rights for a match.

For me personally, of course it is very disappointing there was no match 2020. I had no chance to try to become champion – and also got zero prize money! – and I did spend many months to prepare and make costs for training.

So really, all I can say is that the situation is very complicated …