XXIV Veronas pilsētas kauss – Enriko Molesini Memoriāls 100 l dambretē

18.aprīlī noslēdzās  XXIV Veronas pilsētas kausa  izcīņa. Turnīrs pulcēja plašu dalībnieku skaitu – 45. No kuriem tikai 2 bija ārzemnieki: no Senegālas un Dominikānas republikas, pārējie visi bija itālieši.

Uzvarēja augstākā reitinga īpašnieks Alesio Skagiante ar 10 punktiem, kuram arī lielas izredzes uzspēlēt 2021.gada pasaules čempionātā Tallinā.

Arī nākamās vietas ieņēma itālieši. Otrais ar 10 punktiem palika Daniels Makali, bet trešais – arī ar 10 punktiem –  Enes Habilajs.


Info: https://cdenricomolesini.blogspot.com/

Atvērtais starptautiskās dambretes turnīrs.

Saderīgs ar FMJD reitingu (40%)

Norises laiks: 2021.gada 17. aprīlis sestdiena – 18.aprīlis svētdiena

Norises vieta: Hotel San Marco ****

Via B. Longhena 42 (main entrance Via San Marco 9/11)

Verona, Italy

Sarunvaloda: itāļu, angļu.

Dalības maksa: 15 Eur (GMI bez maksas)

Attēlā Enrico Molesini.

Turnīra nolikums (angļu val.)


1.  The “24th Cup City of Verona – Memorial Enrico Molesini”, OPEN tournament of international draughts, will take place in Verona (Italy), on the 17th and the 18th of April 2021, at Hotel San Marco, Via B. Longhena 42.

Start: Saturday 17 April, at 13:30.

End: Sunday, 18 April, at 17:30.

Inscriptions are taken on Saturday 17 between 13:00 and 13:30.

2.  All players, either members of the Italian Draughts Federation for 2021 or members of another Draughts Federation affiliated to FMJD, may enroll in the tournament. Foreign players are kindly requested to communicate their presence in advance by e-mail or mobile to Mr. Emanuele Danese (see below contacts in “Organization”).

3.  Italian players will be registered with their FID Rating. Foreign players who don’t have a FID Rating will be registered using the conversion formula for their FMJD Rating into FID Rating, in accordance with FID and FMJD regulations.

4.  There will be only one main group (OPEN) for all the players.

Participants will play 6 rounds of games. The FID (Italian) Swiss system will be employed.

A time control of 35 minutes plus 30 seconds of recharge per move (Fischer system) will be applied.

Results will count towards the FID Rating (100%) and the FMJD Rating (40%).

5.  For Italian players of the last category there will be a special group on Sunday.

6.  The enrolment fee is 15 € (free for GMIs).

7.  The Closing Ceremony with the award of prizes is scheduled at about 17:00 on Sunday 18.

8.  The Main Arbiter is allowed to adapt the general FID rules and regulations for competitions in order to conduct the tournament at its best.

9.  Any player may lodge a complaint with the Main Arbiter, together with the amount of 30 €. Money will be returned if the complaint is accepted.

10. For all the remaining issues the general FID and FMJD rules and regulations will be in place, and notably the FID Covid safety protocol (see below).

Schedule – OPEN GROUP

Saturday 17 April:       1st round      at 13:30

2nd round     at 15:40 (estimated)

3rd round     at 17:50 (estimated)

Sunday 18 April:         4th round     at   9:00

5th round     at 11:10 (estimated)

6th round     at 14:30 (estimated)


The total amount of prizes is 1,500 €.

Three categories of prizes are provided: the first category (based on the final General Ranking), the second and the third. All participants may compete for the first category, and some participants may also compete for the second and the third, according to a “formal” subdivision of the players into 3 equal subgroups, based on their initial FID rating.

Therefore, the following prizes will be up for grab:

First category (General Ranking): 1st 350 €, 2nd 200 €, 3rd 150 €, 4th 100 €, 5th 100 €

Second category: 1st 100 €, 2nd 80 €, 3rd 60 €, 4th 40 €.

Third category: 1st 80 €, 2nd 60 €, 3rd 40 €, 4th, 40 €.

There is also a prize for the two best women (60 € and 40 €). Cumulation of prizes, if earned, is allowed.


The OPEN Tournament will be held at Hotel San Marco****, via Longhena 42, in the city of Verona, close to the railway Station, and to the beautiful city center. The Hotel has its own (free) car park.

We advise players to book their own accommodation in the same Hotel, which will have for you a special agreed offer (named “DAMA”):

Single – 1 person:     60 € / Night

Little matrimonial french – 1 person:  65 € / Night

Double Standard – 2 persons:      80 € / Night

Triple (families) – 3 persons:      100 € / Night

Hotel San Marco: Tel. +39 045 8944292. E-mail: sanmarco@sanmarco.vr.it

Web site: www.sanmarco.vr.it.

There is a discounted restaurant in the hotel (full meal at € 20), with a minimum of 20 people per meal: however, reservations must be made by April 1st (Saturday lunch and dinner, Sunday lunch) – so please contact us about that.

Anti-Covid 19 provisions

The competition will be organised according to the FID Covid-19 protocol.

Each player will be required required to wear a mask and a visor (transparent shield) during the games. Visors may be purchased at the venue at the price of 5 €. A body temperature not superior to 37.5°C will be checked at the entrance. Physical distancing and use of sanitizing gel will be required.


The OPEN Tournament is organized by Verona draughts club “Circolo Damistico Veronese “Enrico Molesini””, under the supervision of its President MN Emanuele Danese:

· E-mail: danese.emanuele@gmail.com

· mobile: +39 329 4026314

· Facebook: Event Page: XXIV Coppa Città di Verona – Memorial Enrico Molesini