Eiropas Dambretes federācijas valdes sēdes protokols 59/2021

European Draughts Confederation

EDC Protocol Number: 59/2021/ Deeds

Date: 17th August, 2021

Executive Board Meeting n. 6 – 2021 of the Executive Board elected on 03.08.2019

Zoom Meetings, July 29, 2021.

At 9.00, with the presence of Carlo A. Bordini (EDC President – ITA), Johan Demasure (Vice President Vicary- BEL),

Ingrida Drukteynite (Vice President – LIT), Tarmo Tulva (EST), Uladzislau Splendzer (BLR), elected as members of

EDC Board, and Rik Keurentjes (Trainer member of EDC Athletes and Trainer Committee), checked the legal

number, the EDC Executive Board started working with the following


1. Opening speech by the President and brief Report GA FMJD

2. European Youth Cup on-line 2021

3. European Teams Championships and Rapid, Blitz individual Championships

4. European Championship Veterans 2021

5. EDC Tournament Director and EDC Press-Office (and international relationships)

6. EDC General Assembly 2021

7. Other various and possible evaluations

In the opening speech, the EDC President thanked the participants and summarized what concerns the FMJD

Elective General Assembly 2021, with a new Board and President elected.

Then point 2. European Youth Cup on-line 2021 was discussed and Tarmo Tulva presented the lists of players that

will take part to the tournament: 462 young players, with about one thousands of participations in the different

events (in total probably more than last year).

Uladzislau Splendzer reminded the disposability of Ivan Antonenko, previously appointed as member of EDC

Online Section Commission, that may help the organizers in case needing as for cheating doubts.

For what concerns other youth championships, and in particular European Championship Under 27, classic, rapid

and blitz, Johan Demasure confirm the disposability of Belgium to host it, from 14

th to 22nd November, in Kortrijk.

About 120 km from Airport with good connection, without free places due to the few financial resources and

hosting prices about 53 € in full board, double room.

Considering that no other options came to the EDC, the Board shared the proposed conditions asking to officialise

soon date and venue.

Then point 3. European Teams Championships and Rapid, Blitz individual Championships was examined and the

Board shared the proposed Rules and Regulations. The money prize and the agreement between FID and EDC, of

the championships that will be held on October, from 4th to 11th in Chianciano Terme, Italy, in the full respect of

the “Guide lines” approved in the Meeting of 28th September 2019.

Uladzislau Splendzer underlined the necessity to find a cheaper payment service for no-EU transfer and EDC Board

shared the invite to investigate on cheaper way or bank account that that allow transfer costs contained in 3%.

This trait will be very important also when EDC will open an own proper bank account.

Considering that traveling during COVID time is more complicated and unpredictable (especially due to the

different government laws and for the variants) in order to travel freely and stay safe, at least a month before the

Championships will be published the “EC2021 guidelines to travel in Italy”.

Then point 6. EDC General Assembly 2021 was discussed and the Board shared the proposal that the EDC General

Assembly will be held at the Grand Hotel Excelsior, in Chianciano Terme, on Saturday 9th October, from 14.00 to

18.30, on the sidelines of the European Championships.

During the EDC GA will be also proposed the new EDC Statute already sent to all the Federations and published

on the EDC website and called during the recent FMJD GA.

Then point 4. European Championship Veterans 2021 was discussed, Carlo Bordini reported that the EDC Veteran

Responsible, Jan Zioltkowski received the willingness of Polish Draughts Federation to host that Championships in

late October or in November, it was also communicated by the PDF President to the EDC President, in Tallinn,

during the FMJD GA.

Then point 5. EDC Tournament Director and EDC Press-Office (and international relationships) was examined

and President reminisced the vacant role of EDC Tournament Director, not accepted by Ingrida Drukteynite, that

he would like to appoint to Tarmo Tulva, excellent in the same role during the World Championships 2021 in

Tallinn. The Board shared the proposal and Tarmo Tulva accepted the role.

Then the President Carlo Bordini pointed out that after the renewal of the FMJD board, Rimma Chertok doesn’t

hold any position in the draughts world, and she has given the availability to collaborate with the EDC. To this

purpose, the President has asked her willingness to take care of the press office and international relationships,

without any increasing of costs for EDC (because, as it is well known, EDC has no resources available). The Board

shared the proposal. An official letter will be sent to Rimma Chertok informing her about the role appointed.

Then point 7. Other various and possible evaluations was discussed.

First of all the Board shared the choice of Vital Aniska as main referee of European Championships in Chianciano

Terme, with an Italian Referee to support him. Also in Chianciano Terme will be organized, by Johan Demasure, a

two days referees course, about two hours per days, with the possibility to see and practice during the

championships. Details will be defined later.

The EB had set a new EDC Meeting on 14th September, 2021, at 18.00 (Italian Time), after the terms of inscription

of the European Team Championships 2021.

At the 10.20, since there was nothing else to discuss, the President thanked the participants for their time, and

closed the EB Meeting.

The President of the EDC Board

Carlo A. Bordini