Eiropas 2. veterānu čempionāts simtlauciņu dambretē



Amsterdamā, 12.-19.oktobrī notiks Eiropas 2. veterānu čempionāts simtlauciņu dambretē, kurā var piedalīties dambretes veterāni - dzimuši 1953. gadā un agrāk.

Во втором туре играют рижане

Л.Залитис (LV) - Я.Лелис (LV) 



6.        Time control is 2h on 50 moves + 1h on the rest of the game.

7.        Tournament will be played in 9 round swiss system on rating (in case of large number of participants, main referee, in consultation with EDC and organisator, will have ability to increase number of rounds, but in any case amount of rounds won't be more than 3 rounds in two successive days).

8.        In settling places decides FMJD rules applying to swiss system tournaments  (barrages will not be played!).

9.        The participants will play in the Activiteiten Centrum Ganzenhoef, Geldershoofd 80 phone +31 20 6995121 or +31 0614710196

10.     Organizers secure full board and stay costs for one competitor from each federation. Other players have to pay all stay costs independently.

11.     Hospitality information from organising committee:
Playing place: Activiteiten Centrum Ganzenhoef
Adres playing place: Geldershoofd 80
Telephone number: 020 - 6995121 or 06 147 101 96
When players arrive at the airport Amsterdam, than they can travel to Amsterdam Central Station with the train. From Amsterdam Central Station they take the Metro number 53 to Ganzenhoef.
For any question they can cal me 020-6995121 or 06 147 101 96 or they can send me an e-mail.
One player from each country has free housing. Other player pay 30 euro for the whole week. They will stay in a house with more players. If there are players who like to go to a hotel, than the price of the hotel is about 90 euro for two persons for one day.

Achfaaq Mohamedjoesoef  achfa67@wxs.nl