FMJD un IDF paraksta sadarbības līgumu

Info: IDF


FMJD un IDF ir parakstījuši sadarbības līgumu, ka turpmāk IDF darbosies FMJD pakļautībā un būs atbildīga par 64 lauciņu dambreti. Tā organizēs pasaules un Eiropas čempionātus. Tās sacensību kalendārs tiks iekļauts FMJD kalendārā.

Dear national federations, draughts players, coaches, organizers and all draughts lovers!

We inform you that the International Draughts Federation (IDF) and the World Draughts Federation (FMJD) have signed a long-term cooperation agreement.

For the development of draughts-64 all over the world, the parties unite under the FMJD brand and delimit the areas of activity.

The IDF becomes the only legitimate structure within the FMJD that will develop draughts-64 under the FMJD brand and its own brand (Russian draughts, Brazilian draughts, pool checkers, Portuguese draughts and other varieties of draughts-64, with the exception of Checkers, Italian, Czech and Turkish draughts).

Thanks to the efforts of the leadership of both federations, the period of crisis has been overcome.

This important event in the draughts world will consolidate the draughts community and will raise the development and prestige of our sport to a new level.

See the calendar of competitions on the IDF website

In the near future, the calendar will be published on the FMJD website in the calendar section