FMJD paziņojums sakarā ar karu Ukrainā

24.februārī Krievija 2014.gadā uzsākto karu pret Ukrainu pārvērta spēcīgā ofensīvā pret Ukrainu ar vispārēju iebrukumu suverēnas valsts teritorijā.

FMJD Executive Council Statement

The history of the World, the history of Europe is extremely complicated. Each country has a

different view of it and often the same piece of land is considered by many to be historically theirs.

Borders should be opened, nations should naturally be brought closer to each other, but they should

respect each other’s history. Borders must be honored, lest we descend into dictatorial lawlessness.

The invasion of the independent Ukraine has been underway since early morning today. People are


We are united in sorrow with our draughts friends from Ukraine. Your lives, the lives of your families

are in danger. Each attacked town immediately reminds us of a specific person. Our hearts are


Sport is a field that unites. We do not want to make decisions that will impact individual sportsmen.

However, we cannot remain passive.

Next week will be organised a special Council meeting with all Confederations. We do believe that

during this meeting we find the best way to show how much we are with Ukraine people in this sad


Jacek Pawlicki

FMJD President

P.S.. We would also like to inform you that at the beginning of March an online tournament will be

organized with an entry fee, which will be entirely donated to the fund for victims of the invasion in
