Eiropas Dambretes federācijas protokols 171/2022

Info: EDC


Eiropas Dambretes federācijas protokols.

EDC Protocol Number: 171/2022/ Deeds
Date: 30th December, 2022
Executive Board Meeting n. 4 – 2022 of the Executive Board elected on 03.08.2019
Zoom Meetings, 6th December, 2022
At 17.30, with the presence of Carlo A. Bordini (EDC President – ITA), Johan Demasure (Vice President Vicary
and Tournament Director Youth – BEL), Tarmo Tulva (Vice President and Tournament Director, EST), Jan
Zioltkowski (Tournament Director Veterans, GER), Uladzislau Splendzer (BLR) elected as members of EDC Board
and Rik Keurentjes invited as Representative of Trainers and Athletes Commission, the EDC Executive Board
Meeting started working with the following
1. Opening speech by the President
2. Annual Fee of EDC Federation from 2023: deadline to pay
3. Treasurers EDC
4. Calendar 2023
5. EDC General Assembly 2023
6. Appeal of D. Tkachenko before CAS/TAS and evaluations
7. Other various and possible evaluations
In the opening speech, the EDC President thanked the participants and briefly remembered what happened in
the time after the previous Board Meeting.
Then point 2. Annual Fee of EDC Federation from 2023: deadline to pay was treated and the Board agreed to
set on 28th February 2023 the last day to pay the EDC annual fee for Ordinary Federation, previously fixed in 50 €
per each. The Executive Board unanimously approved it. The President EDC will send an email to inform all the
EDC Ordinary Federations.
For what concerns point 3. Treasurers EDC, it was shared the necessity to have another person who can
manage the EDC Bank account in case of absence of president impossibility of President, and considering that the
EDC General Secretary she kindly rejected the proposal, for shared reasons, and that it’s necessary to go in person
at one of the pints of the Bank Intesa San Paolo, in Italy, the Board agreed to assign the charge of Treasurers to
Dario Ghittoni, FID vice-general secretary, who managed the income and payment during the EC 2022 in
September in Dalmine. The treasurer will be able to act by EDC Bank Account only in case of absence of President,
exclusively with the authorization of Vice President Vicar. The Executive Board unanimously approved it. The
President EDC will inform him and act to give him tools and endorsements to act.
Then the President EDC showed the EDC bank account balance, at 6th December, of €. 5826,31 and the
movements of the account.
For what concerns point 4. Calendar 2023, Tarmo Tulva remembered all the proposal received and the Board
agreed to consider not only the cost of accommodation but also the ease of getting to place, that means also
cheaper cost of travel and organization for the Federations. The Board thanked the Turkish organization for being
always disposability and cooperative with EDC and also considering the FMJD Calendar 2023, to avoid overlapping
(or too close) dates determined the following draft EDC Calendar 2023, to be confirmed by the next Board Meeting
in the beginning of January:
• 18-26 March European Championships Veterans and Under 27 – standard, Blitz, Rapids – Julinek (Poland)
• 12-18 June European Teams Championships, Standard, Blitz, Rapid – Follonica (Italy)
• 1-9 August European Youth Championship (Junior, Cadets, Mini-Cadets, Hopes) Standard, Blitz, Rapid –
Tallinn (Estonia)
• European Championships Blitz e Rapid – TBD (to pair with a Tournament in Europe, if possible, but in case it’s
not possible on 17-18 June in Follonica, bringing forward the beginning of EC Team on 10-16)
About point 5. EDC General Assembly 2023, the EDC Board confirmed that will be held during (or close to) one of
the main European Championships 2023, also to spare EDC money.
For what concerns point 6. Appeal of D. Tkachenko before CAS/TAS and evaluations EDC President recalled all
the main steps shared online with the Board. On 10th October the player Darya Tkachenko, by Mr. R. Bakhuis as
lawyer, and supported from Harry Otten who paid the request (1.000 chf – aptuveni 1000 Eur) sent an appeal at CAS/TAS of Lausanne
mainly contested the decision of EDC Board on 25th September (wrong date) because one of the votes was from
U. Splendzer (that is not true as visible in the EB minutes of 17th September, 2022). In the same request of appeal
the Appellant also wrote Ms. Tkachenko was never informed of the decision (not true as showed in answer of
EDC) and didn’t inform the EDC about appeal. About the appeal the EDC was informed only by CAS at whom on
17th October the President underlined EDC hadn’t received the any Statement of Appeal. In the meanwhile the
President heard the Board and did a research about the costs of a lawyer to face a lawsuit before the CAS, basically
25.000 € (as informed from other Italian President who had similar matter before CAS). Then was chosen as
attorney of EDC the lawyer Carlo Rombolà, authorized to plead before the CAS, who extraordinarily asked 10.000
€, of which 2.500 € within the sending of answer, other 2.500 close to the end of lawsuit and the rest of 5.000 €
by 2 or 3 years when EDC will be able to pay, due the lake finance.
The Executive Board who agreed in the online feedback, unanimously confirmed it during the Board Meeting.
On 7th November the answer (13 pages, 16 exhibit) was sent to CAS. Then the CAS informed the parties that to go
ahead, with a sole arbitrator, in English, had advance costs of 20.000 CHF. The EDC on 14th November refer to CAS
EDC could not pay its share of advance of cost, for lake of finance, as visible in the EDC Financial Statement
published on the website. The CAS replied that “The Respondent is advised that, pursuant to Article R64.2)(2) of
the Code of Sports-related Arbitration, a respondent is not obliged to pay its share of the advance of costs”. At the
same time CAS replied to EDC request of legal aid that “legal aid may be granted to natural persons only”.
Then on 15th November, the CAS invited Appellant to pay the total amount otherwise “the appeal will be deemed
withdrawn” and on 21st November CAS reminded the Appellant “that, pursuant to Article R64.2 of the Code of
Sports-related Arbitration (the “Code”), the Appellant is obliged to pay the totality of the advance of costs
(including the Respondent’s share), CHF 20.000 (aptuveni 20000 Eur) on or before 29 November 2022 to the CAS bank account”. So
precising again that Respondent had not duty to pay any part and that in this case whether the Appellant would
not pay the whole part, the appeal should be deemed withdrawn. On 6th December CAS gave 3 days more to pay
to the total amount remembered otherwise the appeal should be deemed withdrawn.
President Bordini informed Board that he kept informed the head of FMJD, then he shared his certainty that
Appellant, after having seen EDC Answer to CAS, wouldn’t have paid the amount to go ahead with appeal, to avoid
lose that figure. With that confirming the right action of EDC Board, in respect of rules and regulations. All the
other evaluation was postponed to next Board Meeting after which hopefully will be made disposable to any
Federations the Statement of appeal and EDC Answer.
About 7. Other various and possible evaluations, no topic from the Board that shared the idea that next EDC
Board Meeting can be settled on 10th January,17.30 – 19.30 (Rome time), by Zoom.
At the 19.30, since there was nothing else to discuss, the President thanked the participants for their time and
the wonderful work and closed the EB Meeting.
The President of the EDC Board
Carlo A. Bordini