Igaunijas čempionāts 64 lauciņu dambretē 2002


Tallinā mačā par Igaunijas čempiona nosaukumu 64. l. dambretē A.Uutma - R.Rists uzvarēja Raivo Rists, pievienojot deviņiem čempiona tituliem 100. l.dambretē desmito - tikai šoreiz "mazajā daambretē".    

Estonian championship russian draughts

Third micromatch ended with draw and after that Arno Uutma won the second game of 4th set.
So after result 4-4 players needed to play also rapid games 2 micromatches of 2 games (15 minutes for game).
Raivo Rist won right the first game of the 1st set and also second game of the 2nd set and got his first championtitle in russian draughts, on 10x10 board he won Estonian Championship 9 times (1973, 1974, 1975, 1976, 1977, 1980, 1982, 1984, 1985).
He participated in EST-ch russian draughts on 1964 (7th place) and 1965 (3rd place), after that he didn't took part 35(!) years, until on last year he got again bronze medal. 


Uutma,Arno - Rist,Raivo 1-1 06-12-2002 0.43/0.37 EST-ch dec

1.c3-d4 f6-g5 2.b2-c3 g7-f6 3.c3-b4 h8-g7 4.b4-c5 d6xb4 5.a3xc5 g5-h4 6.c1-b2 f6-g5 7.b2-a3 b6-a5 8.c5-b6 a7xc5 9.d4xb6 c7-d6 10.b6-a7 a5-b4 11.a3xc5 d6xb4 12.a1-b2 b4-a3 13.b2-c3 e7-d6 14.c3-b4 a3xc5 15.d2-c3 c5-b4 16.c3xa5 d8-c7 17.e3-d4 g7-f6 18.d4-c5 d6xb4 19.a5xc3 f8-e7 20.c3-b4 e7-d6 21.b4-a5 f6-e5 22.g3-f4 e5xg3 23.h2xf4 g5xe3 24.f2xd4 h6-g5 25.d4-c5 d6xb4 26.a5xc3 c7-d6 27.c3-b4 g5-f4 28.b4-a5 d6-c5 29.a5-b6 c5-b4 30.g1-f2 f4-g3 31.b6-c7 b8xd6 32.a7-b8 g3-h2 33.b8xe5 h2-g1 34.f2-g3 h4xf2


Rist,Raivo - Uutma,Arno 1-1 06-12-2002 0.40/0.44 EST-ch dec

1.c3-d4 f6-g5 2.b2-c3 b6-a5 3.d4-c5 d6xb4 4.a3xc5 g5-h4 5.a1-b2 g7-f6 6.b2-a3 c7-b6 7.c3-b4 b6xd4 8.e3xc5 a5xc3 9.d2xb4 h6-g5 10.c1-d2 h8-g7 11.d2-e3 d8-c7 12.b4-a5 e7-d6 13.c5xe7 f8xd6 14.e3-f4 g5xe3 15.f2xd4 h4xf2 16.g1xe3 d6-e5 17.a3-b4 e5xc3 18.b4xd2 c7-d6 19.e3-f4 b8-c7 20.d2-e3 g7-h6 21.h2-g3 a7-b6 22.e1-d2 f6-e5 23.d2-c3 b6-c5 24.g3-h4 e5xg3 25.h4xf2 d6-e5 26.f2-g3 h6-g5 27.g3-h4 c5-b4 28.h4xd4 b4xf4 29.d4-c5 f4-e3 30.c5-b6 c7-d6 31.b6-a7


Uutma,Arno - Rist,Raivo 1-1 06-12-2002 0.35/0.35 EST-ch dec

1.a3-b4 b6-a5 2.b2-a3 a7-b6 3.g3-f4 b6-c5 4.f2-g3 c7-b6 5.g1-f2 d8-c7 6.g3-h4 f6-e5 7.f2-g3 g7-f6 8.f4-g5 h6xf4 9.e3xg5 h8-g7 10.g3-f4 e5xg3 11.h2xf4 f6-e5 12.d2-e3 e5xg3 13.h4xf2 g7-h6 14.e3-f4 f8-g7 15.c1-b2 e7-f6 16.g5xe7 d6xf8 17.b4xd6 c7xg3 18.f2xh4 f8-e7 19.c3-b4 a5xc3 20.b2xd4 e7-d6 21.a1-b2 g7-f6 22.a3-b4 b8-a7 23.b2-a3 b6-c5 24.d4xb6 a7xc5 25.e1-d2 f6-e5 26.d2-e3 e5-f4 27.e3xg5 h6xf4 28.b4-a5 d6-e5 29.a3-b4 c5xa3 30.a5-b6 a3-b2 31.b6-c7 b2-c1 32.c7-d8 c1-a3 33.d8-b6 a3-c1 34.b6-g1


Rist,Raivo - Uutma,Arno 0-2 06-12-2002 0.43/0.43 EST-ch dec

1.c3-d4 f6-g5 2.b2-c3 b6-a5 3.d4-c5 d6xb4 4.a3xc5 g5-h4 5.a1-b2 g7-f6 6.b2-a3 f6-g5 7.c3-b4 a5xc3 8.d2xb4 e7-f6 9.c1-b2 h8-g7 10.b2-c3 c7-b6 11.e3-d4 b6-a5 12.e1-d2 d8-c7 13.d2-e3 c7-d6 14.c5xe7 f6xd8 15.g3-f4 d8-e7 16.f4-e5 e7-d6 17.e5xc7 b8xd6 18.d4-c5 f8-e7 19.h2-g3 g7-f6 20.g1-h2 d6-e5 21.c3-d4 e5xc3 22.b4xd2 f6-e5 23.d2-c3 e5-d4 24.c3xe5 g5-f4 25.e3xg5 h4xb6 26.g3-f4 a5-b4 27.a3xc5 b6xd4


Rist,Raivo - Uutma,Arno 2-0 06-12-2002 0.10/0.14 EST-ch dec

1.c3-d4 d6-c5 2.d2-c3 c7-d6 3.c3-b4 b6-a5 4.d4xb6 a5xc7 5.b4-c5 d6xb4 6.a3xc5 f6-g5 7.e3-d4 g5-h4 8.g3-f4 g7-f6 9.f2-e3 f6-g5 10.c1-d2 h8-g7 11.b2-c3 g7-f6 12.g1-f2 c7-b6 13.a1-b2 d8-c7 14.f4-e5 b6-a5 15.e5xg7 g5-f4 16.e3xg5 h4xh8 17.f2-e3 c7-d6 18.b2-a3 d6xb4 19.a3xc5 h6-g5 20.h2-g3 h8-g7 21.g3-h4 g5-f4 22.e3xg5 e7-f6 23.g5xe7 f8xb4 24.h4-g5 g7-h6 25.g5-f6 b4-a3 26.d4-e5 a7-b6 27.e5-d6 h6-g5 28.f6xh4 b6-c5 29.d6xb4 a3xc5 30.d2-e3 b8-c7 31.h4-g5 c7-d6 32.g5-f6 c5-b4 33.e1-d2 b4-a3 34.f6-g7 a5-b4 35.c3xa5 a3-b2 36.g7-f8 d6-e5 37.f8-h6 b2-a1 38.a5-b6 a1-b2 39.b6-a7 b2-a3 40.h6-g7


Uutma,Arno - Rist,Raivo 1-1 06-12-2002 0.14/0.13 EST-ch dec

1.c3-d4 f6-g5 2.b2-c3 g5-h4 3.c3-b4 g7-f6 4.b4-c5 d6xb4 5.a3xc5 b6-a5 6.c1-b2 c7-b6 7.b2-a3 f6-g5 8.d2-c3 b8-c7 9.a1-b2 e7-d6 10.c5xe7 f8xd6 11.g3-f4 h8-g7 12.d4-e5 d6-c5 13.c3-d4 d8-e7 14.b2-c3 g7-f6 15.e5xg7 h6xf8 16.f4xh6 c7-d6 17.e1-d2 e7-f6 18.h2-g3 d6-e5 19.g1-h2 a5-b4 20.c3xc7 e5xe1 21.c7-b8 e1-a5 22.g3-f4 a5-b6 23.f4-g5 f6-e5 24.b8xg3 h4xf6 25.g3-b8 c5-d4 26.e3xc5 b6xg1 27.b8-c7 g1-f2 28.a3-b4 a7-b6 29.c7xa5 f6-g5 30.h6xf4 f2-g3 31.f4-g5 g3-h4 32.g5-h6 h4-e7 33.h2-g3 e7xa3 34.a5-c3 a3-d6 35.g3-h4 d6-c7 36.c3-d4 c7-a5 37.d4-e5 a5-b6 38.h4-g5 b6-d8


Rist,Raivo - Uutma,Arno 1-1 06-12-2002 0.13/0.14 EST-ch dec

1.c3-d4 f6-g5 2.b2-c3 b6-a5 3.d4-c5 d6xb4 4.a3xc5 g5-h4 5.g3-f4 e7-f6 6.h2-g3 d8-e7 7.c3-b4 a5xc3 8.d2xb4 f6-g5 9.a1-b2 g7-f6 10.b2-a3 e7-d6 11.c5xe7 f6xd8 12.e1-d2 h8-g7 13.d2-c3 g7-f6 14.c1-b2 c7-d6 15.b4-a5 d8-c7 16.c3-b4 a7-b6 17.b4-c5 b6xd4 18.e3xe7 f6xd8 19.a3-b4 g5xe3 20.f2xd4 h4xf2 21.g1xe3 h6-g5 22.b2-c3 f8-e7 23.b4-c5 e7-f6 24.e3-f4 g5xe3 25.d4xf2 f6-e5 26.c3-b4 c7-d6 27.c5xe7 d8xf6 28.a5-b6 f6-g5 29.b4-c5 g5-h4 30.b6-a7 e5-f4 31.c5-d6 f4-g3 32.f2-e3 g3-h2 33.e3-d4 h4-g3 34.d6-c7 b8xd6 35.a7-b8  


Uutma,Arno - Rist,Raivo 0-2 06-12-2002 0.09/0.03 EST-ch dec

1.a3-b4 b6-a5 2.e3-d4 a7-b6 3.d2-e3 f6-g5 4.b2-a3 g5-h4 5.c1-b2 h6-g5 6.g3-f4 g7-h6 7.d4-c5 b6xd4 8.c3xe5 a5xc3 9.b2xd4 d6-c5 10.d4xb6 c7xa5 11.a1-b2 h8-g7 12.b2-c3 d8-c7 13.e1-d2 e7-f6 



Started barrage of Estonian Championship russian draughts between Arno UUTMA and Raivo RIST  There will be 4 micromatches of two games, if after that winner isn't clear will follow rapid (and possible blitz) games.  


1st match 1st game Uutma,Arno - Rist,Raivo 1-1 05-12-2002 0.43/0.40

1.c3-b4 f6-g5 2.b4-c5 b6xd4 3.e3xc5 d6xb4 4.a3xc5 g5-f4 5.g3xe5 c7-b6 6.c5-d6 e7xc5 7.h2-g3 c5-b4 8.g3-f4 f8-e7 9.f2-e3 b4-a3 10.g1-f2 b6-a5 11.b2-c3 g7-f6 12.e5xg7 h6xf8 13.a1-b2 a7-b6 14.c3-d4 b6-c5 15.d4xb6 a5xc7 16.e3-d4 c7-b6 17.f2-g3 h8-g7 18.d2-e3 g7-f6 19.f4-e5 f8-g7 20.e3-f4 b8-c7 21.d4-c5 b6xd4 22.e5xc3 c7-d6 23.c3-d4 g7-h6 24.e1-d2 f6-e5 25.d4xf6 e7xe3 26.d2xf4 d8-e7 27.b2-c3 e7-f6 28.c3-d4 f6-g5


1st match 2nd game Rist,Raivo - Uutma,Arno 1-1 05-12-2002 0.42/0.44

1.c3-d4 f6-g5 2.b2-c3 g5-h4 3.c3-b4 g7-f6 4.b4-a5 h8-g7 5.a1-b2 d6-e5 6.d2-c3 b6-c5 7.d4xb6 a7xc5 8.g3-f4 e5xg3 9.h2xf4 f6-g5 10.c1-d2 g7-f6 11.c3-d4 c7-d6 12.d4xb6 d6-e5 13.f4xd6 e7xa7 14.b2-c3 f6-e5 15.e3-d4 d8-c7 16.d4xf6 g5xe7 17.f2-g3 h4xf2 18.e1xg3 c7-b6 19.a5xc7 b8xd6 20.g3-f4 d6-c5 21.c3-b4 c5-d4 22.d2-e3 d4xf2 23.g1xe3 a7-b6 24.b4-a5 b6-c5 25.f4-e5 h6-g5 26.e5-f6 e7-d6 27.f6xh4 d6-e5 28.e3-f4 e5xg3 29.h4xf2 f8-e7 30.f2-e3 e7-d6 31.e3-f4 c5-d4 32.f4-g5 d4-e3 33.g5-h6 d6-c5 34.h6-g7 e3-f2


2nd match 1st game Uutma,Arno - Rist,Raivo 1-1 05-12-2002 0.44/0.44 

1.c3-d4 f6-g5 2.b2-c3 g7-f6 3.c3-b4 h8-g7 4.b4-c5 d6xb4 5.a3xc5 g5-h4 6.a1-b2 b6-a5 7.b2-a3 c7-b6 8.g3-f4 f6-g5 9.d2-c3 d8-c7 10.c1-b2 c7-d6 11.a3-b4 e7-f6 12.c5xe7 f6xd8 13.b4-c5 d8-e7 14.b2-a3 g7-f6 15.f4-e5 b8-c7 16.e5xg7 g5-f4 17.e3xg5 h4xh8 18.f2-g3 c7-d6 19.e1-d2 d6xb4 20.a3xc5 h8-g7 21.g3-f4 e7-d6 22.c5xe7 f8xd6 23.h2-g3 b6-c5 24.d4xb6 a7xc5 25.g1-f2 g7-f6 26.g3-h4 f6-e5 27.f4-g5 h6xf4 28.f2-e3 c5-b4 29.e3xg5 d6-c5 30.g5-h6 e5-f4 31.h6-g7 f4-e3 32.d2xf4 b4xd2 33.g7-h8 d2-e1 34.h4-g5 a5-b4 35.h8-f6 e1-f2 36.f6-a1 f2-g1 37.g5-h6 g1-h2 38.f4-g5 b4-c3 39.a1xa7 h2-e5


2nd match 2nd game Rist,Raivo - Uutma,Arno 2-0 05-12-2002 0.35/0.44 

1.c3-d4 f6-g5 2.b2-c3 g5-h4 3.c3-b4 b6-a5 4.d4-c5 a5xc3 5.d2xb4 g7-f6 6.a1-b2 h8-g7 7.c1-d2 f6-g5 8.b4-a5 d6xb4 9.a5xc3 e7-d6 10.a3-b4 a7-b6 11.b4-a5 g7-f6 12.e3-d4 f6-e5 13.d4xf6 g5xe7 14.c3-d4 e7-f6 15.d2-e3 d6-e5 16.b2-c3 c7-d6 17.a5xc7 d8xb6 18.g3-f4 e5xg3 19.h2xf4 b8-a7 20.f2-g3 h4xf2 21.e1xg3 b6-a5 22.g3-h4 a7-b6 23.g1-h2 f8-e7 24.h2-g3 b6-c5 25.d4xb6 a5xc7 26.c3-b4 c7-b6 27.e3-d4 b6-a5 28.d4-c5 a5xc3 29.c5-b6 c3-b2 30.b6-a7 d6-c5 31.a7-b8 b2-a1 32.b8-a7 a1-d4 33.a7-b8 d4-g1 34.b8-d6 c5-d4 35.d6xf8 d4-c3 36.f8-d6 g1-h2 37.h4-g5 f6xf2 38.d6-b8 h2xe5 39.b8xb4