FMJD amatu kandidāti

Info: FMJD


FMJD meklē:

1.FMJD grāmatvedi.

2.FMJD jauniešu turnīru direktoru.

3.FMJD ētikas komitejas biedrus.

Āre Haraks un Aleksejs Domčevs nevēlas atgriezties savos amatos. Kandidāti tiks ievēlēti amatos Ģenerālajā Asamblejā, kas notiks Drancy pasaules kausa posma laikā.


Candidates for Positions in FMJD


Dear Federations,

We would like to inform you that the FMJD is looking for candidates for the following positions:
1. The FMJD Treasurer;
2. The FMJD Tournament Director Youth;
3. Members Ethical Committee FMJD.

Aare Harak and Alexei Domchev have indicated that they do not want to return to their positions after GA in Drancy.
We look forward to receiving your applications for GA in Drancy.

With kind regards,

Vitalia Doumesh, FMJD Office manager