40. FMJD Ģenerālās Asamblejas tehniskie regulējumi

Info: FMJD


40th FMJD General Assembly Technical Regulations

Venue: Château de Ladoucette, Rue Ladoucette, 93700 Drancy (France)
Date: May 5, 2023, Start at: 15:30
Official hotel : Ibis Le Bourget 104 avenue Jean Mermoz 93120 LA COURNEUVE
Reserve hotel: Campanile Paris Est Bobigny 304 avenue Paul Vaillant Couturier

93000 BOBIGNY (will be used only if all booked places in the main hotel are used)

GA general schedule
14:30 Opening of the reception
15:30 Extraordinary GA

16:15 Ordinary GA
20:30 Common dinner

GA languages
During GA only 3 languages are available during any speeches: French, English and Russian.
Simultaneous translation the delegates will be provided.
Delegates’ accommodation
Accommodation will be organised or compensated only for the federations with full rights
and only for the delegates registered on time. The stay of one delegate from each federation
is paid for by FMJD (double rooms for single use with breakfast for two nights May 4-6).
Accompanying person at the same room costs – 80€ (40€ per day). For not used but reserved
rooms (including this for free) – FMJD will charge the federation with amount 160€ (80€ per
day). For the delegates which rented a hotel independently the compensation 120€ can be
Guests – Delegates’ registration
For the registration each participants must full fill registration document. For organisation
and security reasons the following deadlines are valid:
– the deadline for the registration with accommodation is March 26th

. Federations

status/debts will be checked on that date.
– deadline for the registration is April 15th. Late registration will not been accepted.
Federations status/debts will be checked on that date.
Timeline before GA
1. March 20th – the deadline for delivering reports of Committees and Council members to
the office
2. March 26th – the deadline for the registration with hotel or with hotel compensation

                              – the deadline for the registrations without hotel
3. March 31st is the deadline:
a. for the members propositions for the agenda.
b. for the registration with hotel
c. for nominating candidates for the post of Tournament Director Youth
d. for nominating candidates for the post of FMJD Treasurer
e. for nominating candidates for the Ethics Committee
4. April 5th – distribution of final agenda together with activity reports
5. April 15th – the deadline for the registrations without hotel