Vietu sadalījums no kontinentiem 2023.gada Pasaules čempionātam 100 lauciņu



Information about continental places in World Championships 2023

World Championships (Open) 2023 with 20 participants.

− Africa 4 places

− America 2 places

− Asia 2 places

− Europe 5 places

World Championship Women 2023 with 16 participants.

− Africa 1 place

− America 1 place

− Asia 3 places

− Europe 6 places

Basic remarks:

a) mandatory rate of play for any qualification tournaments: 90’/45 moves + 30’+30”

b) maximal places for the same federation:

a. TWO for federation category “A” (regularly organised and reported to FMJD National


b. ONE for other federations

c. ZERO – for the federations with debt in FMJD (on the date of beginning of qualification


c) FMJD decisions regarding suspended federations and players are still valid

d) More general remarks see – annex XII and annex XVII

Suspended federations and players:

They may not participate in European Championships or other Confederation Championships.

The other consequence will be discussed during the EC FMJD meeting in Riga (July).