
This is a Fan Character who's a Superhero in the Incredibles 1+2 Continuity.

Secret Identity: Garth Insidious

Age: 23

Eyes: Red

Hair: Brown

Height: 6"1

Weight: 79 kg

STR- 20

DEX- 15

CON- 45

INT- 18

ECV- 12

PRE- 22

PD- 12

ED- 12

REC- 6

CHR- 16

100-point pool of Dice Powers

150-point pool of Mind Powers


10- Dependent Relatives (Parents, Niece, Aunt, Grandparents except for dead maternal Grandpa)

15- slow in speech processes

30- Hunted by Cops and Robbers alike

170-340 Experience

He uses Grapplers and a Motorcycle to get around, and loves statistics and cute poetry.