
Here, I give you a bunch of microrants that I probably should have given you years ago, but I... just couldn't give a shit, stuck with doing ships and uploading Sickopath's old Rants and doing the Compendium.


Fuck being against Chris Savino, and Bill Cosby, too. All the Squawking and Sensationalism makes my shit hard, and all I've seen of this Sensationalism is ignorant, generic pissing.

I don't care if they had an affair with ANYONE. And fuck those bitches, too. Whiny, gossipy Yenta Cunts who are just sympathy mongers jumping on the "sue this well-known bloke just to make a few buck" bandwagon, don't even DARE defend their bitchhood, please.

How the Fuck could you get the idea Bill Cosby's Evil????? Don't SPAZ at me, and just... TELL ME, when he's got this Wholesome image and does olde-timey skits, Fat Albert and the Cosby Show, none of you Buttheads can even begin to say anything that wouldn't be found in a perverted joke series or tabloid, the former at least, can be ENTERTAINING.


Stop obsessing with Donald Trump, me, Berkeley Breathed, and Charlie Chaplin all did it better than you, and you need to stop acting like you don't know what the fuck happened governmentally before 2008, and maybe get laid and learn abstract 6th grade thinking.


The girl with the Feminist Frequency. Okayishly like Hellsing920, I'm deliberately not naming her, or even giving her a mean silly name like Sonnenburg; - She's not *worth* it, even if I've not been viewing things with a detached, cosmic, 8-dimensional view, she's just an also-ran, late pick-pickeral neo-nazi bitch who continued what other Feminazis and Reverse Racists did since 2007: simply discriminate from the other side, Revise History, and be so ridiculously anti-male, it makes my shit hard.

Oh, and Triox, YOU CAN'T BE WORSE than Hypocritical; - it's a near-non-existance Illogic Mass of self-contradiction and massive demerits and illogic on the order of at least 100,000s, Fuck you and Mr. Nightmare, you'll get penance later.