
Ship Data

Construction Data:

Class- XII

Model- Type A

Date Entering Service- 2/2203.25 (March 25th, 2285)

Number Produced- 40

Superstructure- 26

Damage Chart- C

Dimensional Data:

Length- 300 meters

Width- 140 meters

Height- 62 meters

Weight- 186,000 mt

Atmospheric Entry/Landing- None

Control Computer Type- VSCT-5

Stealth Device Type- VCECM-2

Power to Activate- 1

Modifier- +2

Cargo Data:

Cargo Capacity- 200 SCU

Metric Tonnage- 10,000 mt

Transporter Data:

8-person- 4

16-person Combat- 8

Cargo, Small- 4

Personnel Data:

Crew- 500

Passengers- 200

Troops- 300

Shuttlecraft- 5

Survey Shuttle- 1

Assault Shuttles- 6

Fighters- 6

Engine Data:

Total Power- 54

Movement Point Ratio- 4/1

Warp Engine Type- VCWC-3

Number- 2

Power Provided- 23 ea

Stress Charts- G/K

Cruising Speed- Warp 7

Emergency Speed- Warp 9

Impulse Engine Type- VCIC-3

Power Provided- 8

Weapons Data:

Beam Weapon Type- VCH-4

Number- 4

Firing Arcs- 2 f/p, 2 f/s

Firing Chart- M

Max Beam Power- 7


+2- 1-10

Heavy Weapon Type- VCMT-3

Number- 2

Firing Arcs- 1 f/p, 1 f/s

Firing Chart- T

Power to Arm- 2

Damage- 11

Heavy Weapon Type- VCCM-3

Number- 2

Firing Arc- 1 f/p, 1 f/s

Firing Chart- S

Power to Arm- 1

Damage- 10

Defensive System Data:

Defense Shield Type- VCSI

Shield Point Ratio- 1/3

Max Shield Power- 17

Balance Codes:

D- 97.24

WDF- 42.6

This became the preferred way for the Varthani to patrol their space, closely following their tight budget and resources.