
These are two ships, both unique builds, and each belonging to a somewhat successful Orion Pirate Cartel Businesswoman and Captain.

The Stardiamond belongs to Solamar Blanca, a Human-Centauran Hybrid who grew up on Rigel IV, travelled to a number of other worlds with a friend of her father's, a prominent industrial engineer and merchant, and went to the Orion Cartel's Academy on Maracas, graduating in 2270 at the age of 19. She served as a Science Officer, and sometimes Helmswoman on two Light Raiders, and then on the Lightning Blockade Runner OPC Freeling, eventually buying and captaining the Stardiamond, a somewhat larger cousin of the Wanderer and Harpooner Classes in 2281, and continuing to use the ship as both a freebooter and privateer, especially in the Triangle, until 2328. She is quite fond of Drambuie and surreal imagery, sometimes having parties with lightshows and exotic art and music displays, and she often paints her face in surreal nova patterns, giving her the nickname "Harlequin", by Rez Darcolm, her Ruddy former boss in the Orion Cartel.

This ship has been almost impossible to discern the name of; - Starfleet Intelligence and the Orion Space Navy have uncovered at least four different names, but the one that seems to stick, and is likely the actual one is the OPC "Totes", a piece of slang meaning "Totally", from the Orion Colonies. It's Captain, Xeralina, is a Green Orion from the Lion's Heart Cartel. She is a total Nymphomaniac, even more so than most Green Orion Women, and while occasionally doing some freelance work for any Pirate or Official who hires her, charging them much, she usually uses her artisticly designed half-yacht-half gunship for wild orgies and parties, often flirting with hundreds of men and sometimes shagging them intensely, confusing the hell out of damn near anyone as to who, if any, is her longterm partner, or if she has any legit romantic/business agendas or status. She has operated the longest near Bereft VI, in Kzinti Space, Cyndralax, in Federation Space, and at BTM-4200, BTM-4203, and LH-6040, remote pleasure palaces and mining depots.