
Ship Data

Construction Data:

Class- XI

Model- Mk I

Date Entering Service- 3/1309.30 (September 30th, 2373)

Number Produced- 35

Superstructure- 20

Damage Chart- C

Dimensional Data:

Length- 232 meters

Width- 152 meters

Height- 65 meters

Weight- 180,000 mt

Atmospheric Entry/Landing- None

Control Computer Type- I-4

Stealth Device Type- FECM-1

Power to Activate- 1

Modifier- +1

Cargo Data:

Cargo Capacity- 300 SCUs

Metric Tonnage- 15,000 mt

Transporter Data:

6-person- 4

12-person Combat- 4

22-person Emergency- 2

Cargo, Large- 2

Cargo, Small- 2

Personnel Data:

Crew- 340

Passengers- 60

Troops- 120

Shuttlecraft- 6

Shuttlepods- 4

Assault Shuttles/Hoppers- 2

Engine Data:

Total Power- 110

Movement Point Ratio- 4/1

Warp Engine Type- FVWA-3

Number- 2

Power Provided- 34 ea

Stress Charts- A/A

Cruising Speed- Warp 9.3

Emergency Speed- Warp 9.8

Impulse Engine Type- FIG-4

Power Provided- 42

Weapons Data:

Beam Weapon Type- FH-17

Number- 6

Firing Arcs- 2 f/p/s, 1p, 1s, 2 360o arc

Firing Chart- X

Max Beam Power- 8


+3- 1-9

+2- 10-18

+1- 19-22

Heavy Weapon Type- FP-8

Number- 10

Firing Arcs- 4f, 2 f/p, 2 f/s, 2a

Firing Chart- T

Power to Arm- 1

Damage- 10

Defensive System Data:

Defense Shield Type- FSX

Shield Point Ratio- 1/5

Max Shield Power- 34

Ablative Armour- 2 per facing

Balance Codes:

D- 190.0

WDF- 169.4

Class and Type: Almira-Class Scout

Commissioning Date: 2373

Hull Characteristics

Size: 4

Resistance: 4+8 Ablative Armour

Structural Points: 80

Operations Characteristics

Crew/Passengers/Evac: 60/250/1800 [6 Power/Round]

Computers: 4 [4 Power/Round]

Transporters: 4 Personnel, 4 Assault, 4 Cargo, 2 Emergency [7 Power/Round]

Tractor Beams: 1 av, 1 fv [2 Pwr/Rtg/Rnd]

Engines and Power Data

Warp System: 6.5/9.3/9.8 (16 hours) [2/Warp Facter]

Impulse System: .75c/.92c [7/9 Power/Round]

Power: 155

Sensor Data

Long-Range Sensors: +2/20 ly [6 Power/Round]

Lateral Sensors: +2/2 ly [4 Power/Round]

Navigational Sensors: +2 [5 Power/Round]

Sensor Skill: 5

Weapons Characteristics

Type VII Phaser

Range: 10/30,000/100,000/300,000

Arc: All (720 degrees)

Accuracy: 5/6/8/11

Damage: 14

Power: [14]

Type II Photon Torpedoes

Number: 100

Launchers: 1 av, 1 fv

Spread: 8

Range: 15/300,000/1,000,000/3,500,000

Arc: Forward and Aft, but are self-guided

Accuracy: 4/5/7/10

Damage: 20

Power: [5]

Weapon Skill: 5

Defensive Characteristics

Type V Deflector Shield

Protection: 55/75

Power: [55]


ANother Scout Ship made to try and make use of experimental Hull/Warp Geometries, as well as the FVWA-3 Ultrawarp Engine pioneered on the Bradbury-Class and refined to "Clean" VWarp with the Intrepid-Class, used for emergency supply/medical runs, the occasional minor troop deployment, and after the Dominion War, long-range Exploration in the Alpha, Beta and Gamma Quadrants.

The Class's name comes from the Betazoid name for the Huntress of the Moon, many Myths and Romantic Poems made about her as far back as the 12th Century.