

This Class was a robust, lab-heavy vessel, developed mostly by Vulcans, Deltans and Centaurans, and given the approval of Cesal Adrephas and Sonak, both of whom would spearhead the early Utopianist Movement. The single-engine design was given an extended saucer, improved automation and sensor equipment in back, as well as a specially reinforced, all-new Warp Nacelle Casing, specially designed for the class by numerous Navigation, Warp Field and Structural Engineering Specialists. The Engine itself was the highly successful FWJ-1 Warp Engine proposed for the Warp 10 Navy Directive, and used on the successful Charger-Class Destroyer since 2283, and the vessels were given modest, but potent Weaponry, although it's torpedo launchers were rarely used in combat, instead used as more rapid-fire probe launchers, the class carrying around 25-35 for each of the five classes available to Starfleet in the 23rd Century.

The Class was named for an inspirational painting and poem by Tarbolde on Canopus in 2004, which was about dreams coming to life and familiar faces once seen and befriended in dreams would come for real. The Class was produced in small, but specialized numbers, put through slightly longer shakedown cruisers, with 5 built from 2294-2295 at Sol V Shipyards at Europa, and 5 built from 2295-2296 at Salazaar Shipyards, the vessels often operating alone in a purely exploratory duty, and the USS Cools was the most renowned vessel of the Class, making first contact with the Zeida Race soon after their breakthrough in Warp Technology was attained in 2311, and observing a Black Hole, dissipating into nonexistence near Cardassian Space in 2337.

Construction Data:

Model Numbers- Mk I

Ship Class- VIII

Date Entering Service- 2294-2296

Number Constructed- 10

Hull Data:

Superstructure Points- 26

Damage Chart- C


Length- 289 meters

Width- 164 meters

Height- 60 meters

Weight- 102,800 tons


Cargo Units- 550 units

Cargo Capacity- 27,500 tons

Landing Capability- None

Equipment Data:

Control Computer Type- M-4B

ECM Device Type- FECM-1

Power To Activate- 1

Modifier- +1


Standard 6-person- 4

Emergency 22-person- 2

cargo large- 2

cargo small- 2

Other Data:

Crew- 240

Passengers- 80

Shuttlecraft- 6

Engines and Power Data:

Total Power Units Available- 32

Movement Point Ratio- 2/1

Warp Engine Type- FWJ-1

Number- 1

Power Provided- 20

Stress Charts- C/D

Maximum Safe Cruising Speed- Warp 8

Emergency Speed- Warp 10

Impulse Engine Type- FIF-1

Impulse Engine Output- 12

Weapons and Firing Data:

Beam Weapon Type- FH-8

Number- 6

Firing Arcs- 2f, 2 f/p, 2 f/s

Firing Chart- T

Max Beam Power- 5


+2 - (1-10)

+1 - (11-18)

Missile Weapon Type- FP-7

Number- 2

Firing Arcs- f

Firing Chart- R

Power To Arm- 1

Damage- 8

Shields Data:

Deflector Shield Type- FSL

Shield Point Ratio- 1/3

Maximum Shield Power- 16

Defense Factor- 118.5

Weapon Damage Factor- 40.2

And for LUG

U.S.S Saturna

Class and Type: Starbridger-Class Scout

Commissioning Date: 2294-2296

Hull Characteristics

Size: 5

Resistance: 3

Structural Points: 100

Operations Characteristics

Crew/Passengers/Evac: 240/80/1600 [6 Power/Round]

Computers: 4 [4 Power/Round]

Transporters: 4 Personnel 4 Cargo, 2 Emergency [5 Power/Round]

Tractor Beams: 1 av, 1 fv [2 Pwr/Rtg/Rnd]

Propulsion Characteristics

Warp System: 5.0/8.0/9.0 (9 hours) [2/Warp Facter]

Impulse System: .6c/.8c [6/8 Power/Round]

Power: 125

Sensor Data

Long-Range Sensors: +1/16 ly [6 Power/Round]

Lateral Sensors: +1/1 ly [4 Power/Round]

Navigational Sensors: +1 [5 Power/Round]

Sensor Skill: 5

Tactical Data

Type VI Phaser

Range: 10/30,000/100,000/300,000

Arc: All except directly aft (630 degrees)

Accuracy: 5/6/8/11

Damage: 12

Power: [12]

Type I Photon Torpedoes

Number: 100

Launchers: 1 fv

Spread: 4

Range: 10/300,000/1,000,000/3,000,000

Arc: Forward, but are self-guided

Accuracy: 4/5/7/10

Damage: 18

Power: [5]

Weapon Skill: 3

Defensive Data:

Type IIIa Deflector Shield

Protection: 40/60

Power: [40]