
Stats for Nose-Gassing Dumbasses making John Kerry Snivel- STR 15 DEX 25 CON 25-30 BODY 14 INT 28 EGO 20 PRE 25 PD 12 ED 16 CHR 15 REC 8 END 48 STUN 42,

Has a bunch of Psionic Powers (220 point pool), a Motorcycle and some Sleight-of-hand, athletic and heavy Book Smart capabilities (typically 12-)

Alter Ego- Kisketti Olman

Height and Texture-

Wildcard is a fairly unimposing 5"7, but has some kind of antsiless and...knowledgability.


Sometime in Ace Savvy #418 (Feb, 2017), Ace and Jack encounter some odd sightings and one or two mugger beatings, then some kind of insider tipoff online, then when he and Jack grab someone in league with a major Villain, Cerelectrix, they get ambushed by a bunch (over 100) of his goons, and both they and the Full House are shocked when Wildcard, who is one, comes and uses Psionic Powers and subtle coercion and sabotage to ruin the Cerlectrix Scheme.

Soon, they also all work together more and run into a strange, enigmatic cult called the United Spades of Amerika.