Trick or Whatever

tThis is from the Brunching Shuttlecocks.

It is a virtual Trick-or-Treat Generator, and in it, you just click on one of eight houses, and get a result with a scoring from 0-6. Since even with the Web Archive, I can't find a way to access this game, I give you what I recall of the different results you click on.

Nothing, No one seems to be home, dejected, you TP the windows for good measure.

Your mom shows up in the station wagon and you climb in. On the way back home you take a look at the fruits of your all-too-brief labor:


Too bad. You imagine school the next day, candy-free, the laughingstock of recess. Luckily there's half a bowl of Almond Joys at home that your mom never finished passing out.

(Rating = 0)

Garth from Wayne's World greets you at the door, and with a "schwing", dumps some Jujyfruits into your bag. (Rating = 1)

You get an old woman who asks you "Aren't you a little old to be trick-or-treating?", sneering. You get the idea that she says that to everyone, even the three-year olds. You take your candy and leave. (Rating = 2)

Fog bursts out from the door, as from the smokey depths comes a black robed and cloaked figure holding a black cat, going mwahahaha-OWOWOW..." after the terrified animal struggles out of his grip. (Rating = 5)

A urine-smelling woman and her many cats greet you at the door. (Rating = 3)

A Mad Scientist answers the door, and his mindless zombie forcibly escorts you in, where he straps you to a bed and switches your brain with that of a Rat, Monkey, and Insurance Salesman, which is all well and good, except he ate candy while doing it. (Rating = 4)

An attractive Woman dressed like Morticia Addams/Elvira anaswers the door. All right! (Rating = 6)