Short Takes

Shit Fucking Helldamn!!!

There are no conspiracies, any more than Oprah Winfrey's Prune-Tumor has been smoked by the Man on the Moon.

Fuck Bandwagons and Net-Cliques.

2nd Age Internet and other Trendy Bullshit is not 1st Grade Science, let alone actual, History Channel Hellshit.

Eat Spit, or Chuck it, but the Smithsonian Channel, and the Toy Cowboy hordes of Alex Trebek need to stop pissin on Marines at 9/11/

lizarb degavar taht, tihs lkub si sihT. raef dna farb pa fo egabrag llac-elttaC Gnithgirf emoS is no repaid ,shit daer uoy nehW

Right next to "Zombies are Possible in Minnesota", it says Zombies aren't Possible. That's Credible.

Fans are harmless as long as they don't cut you, or you add anything to the end of em'.